Need a little help please.

Hello. I've got a couple questions. First off, I have a review floating out there that isn't showing up on my profile. I have to search under my name to find it. How do I fix that?? Secondly, I've applied for verified provider status through you guys but have yet to hear anything back either way, and it's been over a month. I have 4 reviews as well as references from other providers. Do I not have enough to qualify or is there just some snaffu somewhere? Thank you for your time and look forward to your help.
Omahan's Avatar
Send the URL of the review to CaptainKaos and he can get it to the right person.
CaptainKaos's Avatar
Thanks, Omahan. Send me a PM and I'll get working on it. I also have to fix the review thing. It's a pretty manual process that I usually take care of on Saturdays.
it seems alot of woman are missing one or more reviews is this a glitch or just something we should worry about I know i am missing one and i think Allie kat also said something about not finding all of her reviews in her profile as well.
CaptainKaos's Avatar
No glitch, Kat. It's just a very time consuming process to assign them to a girl. It's not auotomated, you have to comb through a large database and manually assign them. I. Usually reserve that activity for Saturday mornings.
Omahan's Avatar
Sometimes it's very hard to know for sure who is being reviewed. Is Kat Kisses the same girl as katkisses2000? Or did they mean Alli or Ally or what? I the ladies need to take some responsibility and communicate with the mods by PM when they are missing reviews. The mods are not paid and don't have 40 hours a wekk to clean up after us.
I did send a PM to to CaptainKaos, he did tell me it was a time consuming process, which I didn't realize they had to do it manually, so I'm waiting patiently.