I haven't tried that one, but I recently started taking a tincture that contains deer velvet & ginseng. It works really well and the best part is that sexual enhancement, is only one of the great benefits that it offers. Deer velvet has been used for thousands of years and there is no known adverse side effects. Do a google search and read... it's pretty cool stuff. If anyone is going to buy some... I recommend the tincture or extract. You put it under your tongue and it absorbs really fast. Deer velvet is good for both men and women.
Does it come with a warning? If you experience one of those "deer-caught-in-the-headlights" looks for more than four hours...
Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs
Rezzrx is awesome. I break open the capsule and take 1/3 or so, makes it go farther. Just get a cup of warm water and mix the powder in it. You can flavor it a little cause it is kinda bitter.