Rutgers sex video suicide

Pardon me while I vent....

For those who havn't heard the story, A Rutgers student committed suicide after a video , not made by his knowledge or consent, of him having sex with another male, was uploaded to the net.

He jumped off a bridge.

The individuals who recorded it are guilty of invasion of privacy, a 3rd degree offense.

Had he been filmed with a woman, nobody would have given it a second thought.

I don't have the words for my anger right now.

This is the 21st century. Why are people still being persecuted because their sexual practices are different?

As Xaviera Hollander said in a movie by the same title, "My pleasure is my own business".


Sorry, just don't know what to say....
GabrielaSweetheart's Avatar
I agree. Its sad that someone should feel that ashamed for doing what pleases them. We all like something that may seem different to someone else.

Thats just horrible and I hope the guilty party is feeling very bad for what they did.
Guest092815's Avatar
I was JUST now reading that story. I am very sad. How could they do this to him? Why would anyone think to make a secret tape of a roommate having sex, just to embarrass them? I hope they get more than the 5 yrs in jail being suggested. They deserved to have plenty of time to think about how they ruined that talented young man's life.

I guess in prison, they can find out all about gay sex. And survival. Or not.
DEPmic05's Avatar
Thats just horrible and I hope the guilty party is feeling very bad for what they did. Originally Posted by Sexy Roxanne
Probably not. More than likely they're angry and upset that they're facing charges. To them this was just a prank for them to laugh about at another's expense. Now, they're bewildered and shocked at how everyone is reacting and how things turned out. At present, what is uppermost on their mind is how to get off the hook without going to jail.

The fact that they invaded another person's privacy and then displayed it for everyone to see is infuriating! People like this rarely have the empathy to understand the harm they have caused.
Are you kidding. Every papparazzi out there is searching for that exact thing. While they spend all day following celebs around, they are mentally licking their chops hoping to catch someone doing something dirty that they dont want people to know about. Just look at the ones that make the news for taping some celeb getting mad and cursing them out, when you really listen to it, the paparrazzi person is really just egging them on to get that rise out of them, the whole time counting the dollar bills with every curse word that comes back at them. This is the society we are living in now adays.
I have had my entire family turn their backs on me due to my sexual nature. They didn't have to find out by someone sneaking behind my back and making secret tapes....Oh no, I trusted in their love enough to be honest with them and lay it all out on the table....I'm bi...I love sex.....
I'm not sure which would be worse, the secret back stabbing, or the 'we don't love you enough to accept you' is totally devastating to say the least.
Thank God for my SO and his mom, they are they only ones that really love me.
Wow, Tiff, I feel for you. I think you portray a big message of perspective.
Which is what is throwing me for a loop about this guy.
If someone is already leaning towards homosexuality, why would having it presented unexpectedly change that. This guy decided that he would rather be dead than OPENLY gay/bisexual.
In short, I think their is more to this than just someone being outed as gay. I would guess that this guy had other issues in his life that had him on that edge. Just MHO.

I do feel bad for him though, no one should feel like being dead is a better option than living uncomfortably.
The people who outed him are guilty of a crime. I heard that possibly even homoside charges will be brought.

As others pointed out, they did not make him comit sucide. That was his choice for what ever reason and we will likely never know for sure, nor do we really need to.

Could it be that we are jumping to conclusions based purely on our own biases?

It is sad that this young man forfited his life so early and in such a manner.
TexTushHog's Avatar
They didn't "make" him commit suicide. However, committing suicide is one of a wide range of foreseeable actions that those who are extremely hurt and deeply embarrassed take. They need not have "made" him commit suicide to be criminally responsible in some manner for the young man's death. What these kids did is despicable. It is inexcusable. And it foreseeably inflicted great harm on it's intended victim. The mere fact that the great harm could take any one of many forms is irrelevant in the extreme.
  • anita
  • 09-30-2010, 11:50 PM
I do not see anything wrong with being gay. I am just sorry that he was not willing to move on. Sure it hurt his feelings,especially if nobody knew. I hope the person responsible has some least.
All of us in this hobby is taking a chance of being 'outed'. Do we really know how we will react to it until it actually happens?

This young man may not be gay at all, or even bi....perhaps he was just playing in an open minded way. Whats worse then being gay and being outed? Not being gay but have no one beleive you? My SO has 'played' with other men....he isn't even bi. He is not sexually attracted to another man at all. How many gentlemen enjoy their asses played with? That doesn't change their sexuality. As my SO says, a blow job is a blowjob.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 10-01-2010, 04:49 AM
They didn't "make" him commit suicide. However, committing suicide is one of a wide range of foreseeable actions that those who are extremely hurt and deeply embarrassed take. They need not have "made" him commit suicide to be criminally responsible in some manner for the young man's death. What these kids did is despicable. It is inexcusable. And it foreseeably inflicted great harm on it's intended victim. The mere fact that the great harm could take any one of many forms is irrelevant in the extreme. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
TTH- Those were the words I can't put together with the emotion I feel from this story.

Hang 'em. Those two were out with horrible intent. They wanted to hurt him.
Premeditated something or other... malicious....wanton endangerment.

Just thinking about wrapping my hands around the necks of those two, I start mumbling vulgarities to myself. Grrrrr..
awl4knot's Avatar
I noticed that this poor young man's tormentors are an Asian woman and a young man who be Indian.

This has no significance to me other than to show that cruelty and sexual bigotry is not limited to the usual suspects.

I hope there is a special hell for those young but poisoned minds that sought to emotionally eviscerate that gifted young man.

It is a sad, sad tale. I feel for his family.
Personally I truly hope they throw the book at the two involved in this.
Sure this boy may have had other issues but what they did pushed himover the edge.

The internet has become a dangerous place with the ability to attack someone while remaining virtually anonymous while doing it.
Cyberbullying and Cyberstalking are serious crimes and should be taken as such. It's time to take away the ability to harm someone from behind a monitor.
These two people need to be charged with 3rd degree homicide at the very least.
(3rd degree agrees you did not mean for the person to die, but your actions caused their death 10 -20 yrs min.)

The one was his roomate and most likely knew the young man would be humilated. They were heartless in their actions and deserve a harsh penalty.