If only the law was applied fairly

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Federal Government To Resume Capital Punishment After Nearly 20-Year Hiatus

The U.S. government is poised to carry out the death penalty for the first time in nearly two decades, the Justice Department announced Thursday.

U.S. Attorney General William Barr has instructed the Federal Bureau of Prisons to change the federal execution protocol to include capital punishment, the Justice Department said.

Barr also asked the prisons bureau to schedule the executions of five inmates who have been found guilty of murder. According to the DOJ, the victims in each case included children and the elderly. In some of the cases, the convicted murderers also tortured and raped their victims.

"The Justice Department upholds the rule of law — and we owe it to the victims and their families to carry forward the sentence imposed by our justice system," Barr said in a statement.

The U.S. government's use of capital punishment has long been scrutinized on the grounds of racial fairness. In 1972, the Supreme Court's Furman v. Georgia ruling largely put an end to federal executions, after the court found that blacks were far more likely to be executed than whites.

In 1988, Congress passed the Anti-Drug Abuse Act, which effectively reinstated the federal death penalty for a small number of crimes. Six years later, another federal law widened the number of offenses that were eligible.

Still, executions of federal death row inmates have been very rare. The Death Penalty Information Center says there have been three such executions between 1988 and 2018. Those inmates included Timothy McVeigh, whose attack on an Oklahoma City federal building killed 168 people. He was put to death in 2001.

In 2014, President Barack Obama ordered a review of the death penalty after a botched execution in Oklahoma. But The Associated Press quotes the Justice Department as saying, "That review has been completed and the executions can continue."

The federal execution protocol had previously used a three-drug cocktail; the DOJ says that it will now use just one drug, pentobarbital.

As NPR justice correspondent Carrie Johnson reports, one reason the U.S. federal government has not carried out an execution since 2003 was because of problems obtaining the previous three-drug protocol. "There have been shortages for at least one of those drugs," she says, and that scarcity has made it difficult for the federal system to actually carry out death sentence.

Barr says federal courts have upheld using pentobarbital alone in execution as consistent with the Eighth Amendment, which prohibits cruel and unusual punishment. Other combinations of drugs have faced significant legal challenges.

The first of the federal executions is scheduled to take place on Dec. 9. Daniel Lewis Lee was found guilty of murdering three members of a family, including an 8-year-old child. According to the DOJ, Lee is a member of a white supremacist group, and he was convicted by a jury at a federal court in Arkansas in 1999.

In the past 10 years, at least five states — New Mexico, Illinois, Connecticut, Maryland and New Hampshire — have abolished the death penalty, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. And in March, California Gov. Gavin Newsom put an executive moratorium on his state's death penalty.

In two more states — Washington and Delaware — courts recently ruled that their capital punishment laws are unconstitutional.

Capital punishment has also been criticized because of the risk that the justice system may erroneously convict and punish someone who's innocent.

"Since 1973, more than 160 people who had been wrongly convicted and sentenced to death in the U.S. have been exonerated," according to the Death Penalty Information Center.

NPR's Bill Chappell contributed to this report.

Copyright 2019 NPR. To see more, visit NPR.

His majesty's cult. Or court.


Another sacrificial lamb.

A mad diversion tactic.
More trolling by Eccie9500. Do not feed.
  • oeb11
  • 07-25-2019, 01:18 PM
9500 - the pics of Griffin and Epstein add nothing to your cogent, constructive post.

nor the Manson family - none of which were executed in Kalifornia, nor the Guillotine pic - of course never used in US
Convicted murderer Hamida Djandoubi became the last person to meet his end by the “National Razor” after he was executed by the guillotine in 1977. Still, the machine's 189-year reign only officially came to an end in September 1981, when France abolished capital punishment for good.

I personally disagree with the use of the death penalty - and feel it should be outlawed in the US
The clear risk of innocents executed, and the fact that death penalty is not a deterrent to crime, should enable us to end this practice.

Those who commit crimes who deserve to forever segregated from Society - can be segregated in prison for the rest of their natural (or un-natural) lives. Cheaper than a death penalty - which takes 20 years or more to go through the courts.Saves taxpayer money- and yes - that is a reasonable consideration for our court system.

This is an emotional hot flash point for some.

I hope there is cogent, constructive debate from all on the issue.

9500- You could be more effective in debate by toning down the useless pics and adversarial tone in some many of your posts. IMHO
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Trump appears in front of altered presidential seal saying '45 is a puppet'


The seal has a complex history, notes the Victoria and Albert Museum, but one of the more common interpretations is that the two heads represent east and west, "an allegory sometimes for unity, and sometimes for absolute monarchy." It could be a reference to Trump's sometimes-controversial relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

bambino's Avatar
I’m an “eye for an eye” guy. If someone willingly takes another’s life, they should be willing to lose theirs.
  • oeb11
  • 07-25-2019, 01:33 PM
9500 - what does your above post have to do with capital punishment????
9500 - what does your above post have to do with capital punishment???? Originally Posted by oeb11
He doesn't know. He just wants everyone to think he gives a shit about something. He was picked on in High School a lot. Now he's behind a Key Board where he can fulfill his destiny, whatever that may be.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
9500 - the pics of Griffin and Epstein add nothing to your cogent, constructive post.

nor the Manson family - none of which were executed in Kalifornia, nor the Guillotine pic - of course never used in US
Convicted murderer Hamida Djandoubi became the last person to meet his end by the “National Razor” after he was executed by the guillotine in 1977. Still, the machine's 189-year reign only officially came to an end in September 1981, when France abolished capital punishment for good.

I personally disagree with the use of the death penalty - and feel it should be outlawed in the US
The clear risk of innocents executed, and the fact that death penalty is not a deterrent to crime, should enable us to end this practice.

Those who commit crimes who deserve to forever segregated from Society - can be segregated in prison for the rest of their natural (or un-natural) lives. Cheaper than a death penalty - which takes 20 years or more to go through the courts.Saves taxpayer money- and yes - that is a reasonable consideration for our court system.

This is an emotional hot flash point for some.

I hope there is cogent, constructive debate from all on the issue.

9500- You could be more effective in debate by toning down the useless pics and adversarial tone in some many of your posts. IMHO Originally Posted by oeb11

Very well stated, SIR.

The pictures and GIFs are mostly for my entertainment. A little color to the commentary. The Griffin gaffe and the Epstein mugshot are for shock value. The dummy beheading is an hommage to the civilized way of punishment. Which turned into a bloody mess. Epstein's picture is just an example of someone who I feel deserves capital punishment.

The Manson family is an allusion to the cult like following by those on the extreme right side of the spectrum. The chants, the tiki torch marches and the violence at the campaign rallies stirring up the mob mentality pale in comparison to the gruesome acts by the Manson family. I'm going for the extreme effect.

That's not to say there are those closer to my side of the aisle that are just as prone to amateur pugilism. I'm a shady charachter. Or is it just an illusion? Take my comments with a grain of salt. As much as I can count the ways I hate Trump (I'll honor him by name), I wish he would just let go of the humongous ego trip.

I too am against the death penalty. Have been even before Dukakis' dumbass debate response. If some here get my references and others don't, I'm fine with that. With such a measured reply to my post, I felt it necessary to reply in kind. Otherwise I would have been a rude imp. Thanks to being raised with manners, the military and love of reading and linguistics, I am comfortable in almost any setting.

It's hard for me to imagine how people hold some values. It's easy for me to say there is no damn way you can concince me abortion should not be legal. The execution issue is another one. Some say abortion should be outlawed and sanctioned murder legal. I'm of the complete opposite position.

Be water my friend.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
9500 - what does your above post have to do with capital punishment???? Originally Posted by oeb11
The topic of the thread is equal application of the law. His majesty thinks he's more than a man and less than a God. I read sincerity in the querie. I'll be happen to continue explaining so long as you aren't impudent. If you are, we can just go back and forth with the stupidity.
  • oeb11
  • 07-25-2019, 04:07 PM
I think the Photo of Trump in front of the altered Presidential seal is a different Thread topic.

SomeOne pulled a "Prank" - but falsifying the Presidential Seal reflects on our country and Other Presidents poorly - that person may wind up regretting the "Prank"- as a search for the culprit is underway by the DOJ.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Very well stated, SIR.

The pictures and GIFs are mostly for my entertainment. A little color to the commentary. The Griffin gaffe and the Epstein mugshot are for shock value. The dummy beheading is an hommage to the civilized way of punishment. Which turned into a bloody mess. Epstein's picture is just an example of someone who I feel deserves capital punishment.

The Manson family is an allusion to the cult like following by those on the extreme right side of the spectrum. The chants, the tiki torch marches and the violence at the campaign rallies stirring up the mob mentality pale in comparison to the gruesome acts by the Manson family. I'm going for the extreme effect.

That's not to say there are those closer to my side of the aisle that are just as prone to amateur pugilism. I'm a shady charachter. Or is it just an illusion? Take my comments with a grain of salt. As much as I can count the ways I hate Trump (I'll honor him by name), I wish he would just let go of the humongous ego trip.

I too am against the death penalty. Have been even before Dukakis' dumbass debate response. If some here get my references and others don't, I'm fine with that. With such a measured reply to my post, I felt it necessary to reply in kind. Otherwise I would have been a rude imp. Thanks to being raised with manners, the military and love of reading and linguistics, I am comfortable in almost any setting.

It's hard for me to imagine how people hold some values. It's easy for me to say there is no damn way you can concince me abortion should not be legal. The execution issue is another one. Some say abortion should be outlawed and sanctioned murder legal. I'm of the complete opposite position.

Be water my friend.
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Ahhh, aren't you the sweetest little thing...
I was wondering about the OP. It was just something cut and pasted but nothing about your position. Now we know. Now we know that you would kill an innocent human being who is denied the most basic due process but would go to great lengths to save a piece of human debris who, after being given all due process, has been determined to rate execution by a jury of peers.
By the way, the Manson family were left wing, white supremacists trying to start a race war.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
9500 - what does your above post have to do with capital punishment???? Originally Posted by oeb11
The discussion is about the death penalty, and heads rolled after Trump appeared in front of that bogus presidential seal.

I wonder why he didn’t know it was fake?
I'm actually concerned that in the future the DPST's will misuse capital punishment to execute conservatives who oppose gay sex, so perhaps it should be banned.

Of course, then you get abused in prison so either way you are fucked.

Damn DPST's.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Ahhh, aren't you the sweetest little thing...
I was wondering about the OP. It was just something cut and pasted but nothing about your position. Now we know. Now we know that you would kill an innocent human being who is denied the most basic due process but would go to great lengths to save a piece of human debris who, after being given all due process, has been determined to rate execution by a jury of peers.
By the way, the Manson family were left wing, white supremacists trying to start a race war. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

Little something for my godson Elijah
And a little girl named Corin

[Verse 1]
Some say the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice
I say the darker the flesh, then the deeper the roots
I give a holla to my sisters on welfare
2Pac cares if don't nobody else care
And I know they like to beat you down a lot
When you come around the block, brothers clown a lot
But please don't cry, dry your eyes, never let up
Forgive, but don't forget, girl, keep ya head up
And when he tells you you ain't nothin', don't believe him
And if he can't learn to love you, you should leave him
‘Cause, sister, you don't need him
And I ain't tryin' to gas you up, I just call 'em how I see 'em
You know what makes me unhappy?
When brothers make babies
And leave a young mother to be a pappy
And since we all came from a woman
Got our name from a woman and our game from a woman
I wonder why we take from our women
Why we rape our women — do we hate our women?
I think it's time to kill for our women
Time to heal our women, be real to our women
And if we don't we'll have a race of babies
That will hate the ladies that make the babies
And since a man can't make one
He has no right to tell a woman when and where to create one
So will the real men get up?
I know you're fed up, ladies, but keep ya head up

What about the host body? You just forget her? Without the health of the expectant mother, there is no healthy parasite. If a woman is lucky enough to be able to have children, she comes first. Do you even care about the mother? If the growth inside her is malevolent, she comes first. Life doesn't begin until you can breath on your own.

The Manson family is the extreme example on the left.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
I think the Photo of Trump in front of the altered Presidential seal is a different Thread topic.

SomeOne pulled a "Prank" - but falsifying the Presidential Seal reflects on our country and Other Presidents poorly - that person may wind up regretting the "Prank"- as a search for the culprit is underway by the DOJ. Originally Posted by oeb11
You have a point. I was making a silly thread. And followed with the second article. But I can tie the topic with the second article. Trump just is just being strung along by Russia to play golf and walk in step to a fierce monarch.

We should hang that fuckin' prankster!