Why Aren't The Media Blaming The DNC?

Three days ago the IA caucus happened. We still don't have the complete results - only 96% as I write this.

The media has yet to blame the DNC for the complete results not being released in a timely manner, even Fox. I don't care if you hate Trump or love Bernie, the DNC is to blame. But no media outlet is. In fact, other than #TomPerezResign started by some BernieBros, there's been no backlash.

The media are lapdogs happy for scraps and they expect their viewers to behave the same. Everyone knows the DNC is manipulating the results. "Computer error" is some boomer excuse. Releasing the results in waves is a millennial ploy.

The electorate will remember this when there's a counting vote debacle. Remember the slow walk out of Broward County this past election? The Georgia governor race? Bernie's screwing in 2016? Democrats.

It's time the MSM started calling it.
The Main Stream Media is waiting to see if there is any way possible to blame the whole mess on President Trump.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
The Main Stream Media is waiting to see if there is any way possible to blame the whole mess on President Trump. Originally Posted by Jackie S
No, the Ukrainians, the Chinese, the Martians, .....

I am highly amused that one of the precinct guys has put out his actual precinct results, and the state dim committee numbers are different. Opps, failure to manipulate appropriately.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The LSM will NEVER tell the true story against " the hands that feed them" They have been hollering about election infearance and 3 days for DNC and nothing that stinks all by itself ,,,,,
Budman's Avatar
They are blaming Trump supporters for clogging up the phone lines. Somehow someway it must be Trumps fault.
Will they release the full count before the Convention?
99% released...so there's still room to fudge.
The DNC wants to recanvas...whatever that means.
Some Dims say that Iowa is "too white" and shouldn't go first ever again...which what they said before Obama.
The media says that they've moved on but keep reporting with every crumb dropped.

Will the delegate count be finalized before the convention?