Elizabeth Warren apologizes to women of color who left her campaign

  • oeb11
  • 02-07-2020, 09:30 AM

Sen. Elizabeth Warren apologized Thursday evening to six women of color who left her Nevada presidential campaign because of what they called a toxic work environment.

"I believe these women completely and without reservation and I apologize that they have had a bad experience on this campaign," the Massachusetts Democrat told reporters after a town hall on Thursday.
She continued: "I also understand the long legacy of racism in this country and what it means and how it creates power dynamics and inequities that are toxic and dangerous. And that's why it's so important that we be constantly vigilant and determined to do better. I take personal responsibility for this and I'm working with my team to address these concerns."
Warren's comments come after a Politico report Thursday said six staffers had left Warren's Nevada campaign because of what is described in the story as a culture that "tokenized" minority voices.
"During the time I was employed with Nevada for Warren, there was definitely something wrong with the culture," field organizer Megan Lewis, who joined the campaign in May and departed in December, told Politico. "I filed a complaint with HR, but the follow-up I received left me feeling as though I needed to make myself smaller or change who I was to fit into the office culture."
The staffers quoted, mostly on background, said the campaign on the ground did not live up to the candidate's rhetoric when it came to empowering women -- and women of color in particular.
Warren's communications director, Kristen Orthman, declined to comment in detail, citing the issue as a personnel matter, but didn't dispute any specifics in the story.
"We have an organization of more than a thousand people, and whenever we hear concerns, we take them seriously. It's important that everyone who is part of our team has a voice and can be heard," Orthman told CNN. "That's why we are proud that we have a unionized staff and clear processes for issues to be addressed. We strive for an inclusive environment and work hard to learn and improve."
None of the individuals who left -- organizers on the campaign payroll -- are believed to be high-level staff. In the Politico story, they expressed concerns about the campaign's Latino outreach in Nevada, saying Spanish-language engagement efforts had been slow and in some cases nonexistent.

The only thing Lizzie (fauxahontas) has not apologized for is the scam she is pulling on the American people with her Socialism/Totalitarianism - under the mask of "victimhood" - Yes Poor lizzie - always a victim, regardless. Unless she is elected - and she plans to unleash the hell of socialism upon America - with herself as head of nomenklatura.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
But did the big E mention that it's her campaign and she's gonna call the shots regardless of other folks suggestions? Nooooo
At least those folks jumped before the train wreck happens. They saved themselves.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I guess the sign in the campaign offices of Warren which said "if you are not an illegal or transgender person, you are not welcome here" put off a few people.
bambino's Avatar
fuaxcahontas should apologize for running for POTUS.
its a great thing when these people get what they started and deserve

hypersensitive chip on the shoulder "victims" that probably are the crummiest employees ever but know how to use race to make people grovel
They are who we think they are.

Any Presidential contender who says they're going to use a transgender student to pick their secretary of education is not worthy of the office. If that same person insists that they are a Native American despite no evidence, they're a pandering nutcase appealing to other pandering nutcases.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
They are who we think they are.

Any Presidential contender who says they're going to use a transgender student to pick their secretary of education is not worthy of the office. If that same person insists that they are a Native American despite no evidence, they're a pandering nutcase appealing to other pandering nutcases. Originally Posted by gnadfly

maybe she should appoint little greta dumberg her science advisor ..


Another autistic disorder victim.