Trump Determined to be a Fraud

Unsurprisingly Trump is proven to be a fraud in business. The Trump Org is headed for dissolution. He's about to get hit with 250 million in fines. It's getting rough on the old dude. I guess everyone gets what they deserve eventually.

How many of you will donate to him to keep him afloat?
eyecu2's Avatar
And there was ZERO people surprised at the ruling. I'm fairly certain that's why Trump simply asked for a summary judgment. He didn't want the rest of the trial to be publicized in any way, and 250 mm sheckles might be a lot, he's gotta run in order to stay out of the pokey. I'd say the bigger damage, is if they dissolve his businesses so that he cannot operate in New York. I know he's diversified to other places but, I believe they still own an awful lot of rentals - which he'd likely just create a new shell corp with a new name, and Eric simply run those.

You know wouldn't be Ivanka, she still counting that Saudi money!

Did anyone think Trump wasn't gonna be burned by Ticia James? She let go of his balls only one time, and that was so she could get a better grip.

I'm betting the Trump's exit NYC and head to another shit hole golf course community!

Honestly the only thing it would make me actually smile, would be watching the gold Trump letters being yanked off of Trump Tower. And then run over by a bulldozer. That would just about sum-up some justice.
winn dixie's Avatar
Trump is a walking talking total fraud.
Unsurprisingly Trump is proven to be a fraud in business. The Trump Org is headed for dissolution. He's about to get hit with 250 million in fines. It's getting rough on the old dude. I guess everyone gets what they deserve eventually.

How many of you will donate to him to keep him afloat? Originally Posted by 1blackman1
I doubt Trump even cares. He has more tricks up his sleeve than David Copperfield.
I doubt Trump even cares. He has more tricks up his sleeve than David Copperfield. Originally Posted by Levianon17
And a battery of Appeals, also.

It's the American way... ...

#### Salty
He can appeal, and will lose again...and again...and again. What's his winning percentage on 2020? I'm sure some here would bet their bank on him winning...

What was it P.T. used to say? A fool and his money are soon parted?
Ripmany's Avatar
Unsurprisingly Trump is proven to be a fraud in business. The Trump Org is headed for dissolution. He's about to get hit with 250 million in fines. It's getting rough on the old dude. I guess everyone gets what they deserve eventually.

How many of you will donate to him to keep him afloat? Originally Posted by 1blackman1
His business is mess true he better simply flying if get out jail time he can pay the fine but he better downsize. If only 250 million. Biden had 10 billion to Trump 900 million campaign Money. All the Democrats will wake their ass with his toilet paper give him a donation..
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Well, one powerful person definitely knows that Trump is completely full of shit. And that's not good for Trump if he wants to win votes in a blue-collar state like that one. Why would they care to hear from a rich greedy asshole who is about to pay $250MM in a civil suit when all they want is just fair compensation for an honest day's work that helped their company prosper to new heights financially?

I don't even know why that old orange fat dipshit is even wasting his time going to Michigan trying to bullshit those folks. That influential dude just publicly put his ass on mute for his main purpose of going there. LOL
FesteredUncle's Avatar
An astute observation from an unknown source:

"The NY ruling against Trump sets the stage for Communist-style land confiscation

A judge (who won his election unopposed) just ruled that he had the authority to override banks, appraisers and the free market on how much one’s property is worth.

Now imagine government employing eminent domain to take people’s land. They can just say your land is worth a nickel on the dollar you paid for, and that’s that.

They don’t even need to go through the motion of poisoning your land (Ohio) or burning it down (Hawaii) to lower the price anymore--- they can just straight up say what your land is worth and “compensate” you accordingly.

New York land owners are in for a rude awakening. Get ready for 15-minute cities!"

$16 million valuation my arse!
An astute observation from an unknown source:

"The NY ruling against Trump sets the stage for Communist-style land confiscation

A judge (who won his election unopposed) just ruled that he had the authority to override banks, appraisers and the free market on how much one’s property is worth.

Now imagine government employing eminent domain to take people’s land. They can just say your land is worth a nickel on the dollar you paid for, and that’s that.

They don’t even need to go through the motion of poisoning your land (Ohio) or burning it down (Hawaii) to lower the price anymore--- they can just straight up say what your land is worth and “compensate” you accordingly.

New York land owners are in for a rude awakening. Get ready for 15-minute cities!"

$16 million valuation my arse! Originally Posted by FesteredUncle

That is exactly what is going on.
Actually, he just a fraud. No crazy conspiracy.
FesteredUncle's Avatar
So the Judge doesn’t think Trump’s holdings were not as valuable as he claimed in order to secure loans.

This charade will end up in an appeals court where Trump will win. Why? Simple.

He got the loans
We shall see. I suspect otherwise.

Using fraud to get the loan is the point. Of course you get the loan because you committed fraud. I sure hope you’re smarter than what you write.
FesteredUncle's Avatar
Game on!
So, who is closer in their valuation? It's a two legged race!
Trump and the underwriters of the loan or the stup-azzed judge?

Place your bets...