Chesebro Takes a Plea Deal

Guess he’ll be providing truthful testimony as well. He’s getting a felony though. And admitting that the scheme was illegal, including good ole Trump.

Damned truthful testimony. lol.
  • Tiny
  • 10-20-2023, 10:42 AM
I think he’s getting a marginally better deal than Powell, 5 years probation and $5000. Does this mean he loses his license to practice law?
I’ll take 50 misdemeanors over a single felony. Violation of the felony probation will result in jail time about 99% of the time. Violating a felony is most likely just a fine and admonition. I wouldn’t say he got a better deal. It’s a worse deal pretty much all over. He actually admitted to he guliani and others including Trump conspired to break the law.

As for losing his license. A felony in and of itself doesn’t get a person disbarred. Depends on where he is barred. Were it Louisiana, Platsmeir our Office of Disciplinary Counsel would likely go pretty hard at disbarring him. Also our Supreme Court isn’t nearly as lopsided as Texas or Florida where he might get a pat on the back. If he’s barred in Maryland DC New York, he might lose those or at least be suspended for 6 months to a year. VA middling chance.

They specifically added an agreement that the crime would not be a violation of moral turpitude which would pretty much automatically have him disbarred in any state.
... He can admit whatever the prosecution wants to hear
to take "a deal" ... But is it TRUE??
We DO know that Georgia counted illegal votes - that
Trump wanted a Judge to rule on - and Raffensberger and
Kemp stalled the issue - so they could certify the votes.

We would be seeing THIS at trial - but the government
may drop the charges. ... Did Powell claim that THIS
was Cheseboro's "scheme"?? ... Is that why he's geeting
hit with the felony?? ... Inquiring minds wanna know.

#### Salty
  • Tiny
  • 10-20-2023, 01:50 PM
I’ll take 50 misdemeanors over a single felony. Violation of the felony probation will result in jail time about 99% of the time. Violating a felony is most likely just a fine and admonition. I wouldn’t say he got a better deal. It’s a worse deal pretty much all over. He actually admitted to he guliani and others including Trump conspired to break the law.

As for losing his license. A felony in and of itself doesn’t get a person disbarred. Depends on where he is barred. Were it Louisiana, Platsmeir our Office of Disciplinary Counsel would likely go pretty hard at disbarring him. Also our Supreme Court isn’t nearly as lopsided as Texas or Florida where he might get a pat on the back. If he’s barred in Maryland DC New York, he might lose those or at least be suspended for 6 months to a year. VA middling chance.

They specifically added an agreement that the crime would not be a violation of moral turpitude which would pretty much automatically have him disbarred in any state. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Thanks for the color, very interesting! I saw Powell's sentencing or whatever you call it, and her biggest concern appeared to be whether she'd be able to own a firearm. Based on the moral turpitude agreement, apparently Chesebro's was being able to continue to practice law.
  • Tiny
  • 10-20-2023, 01:51 PM
We DO know that Georgia counted illegal votes - that
Trump wanted a Judge to rule on - and Raffensberger and
Kemp stalled the issue - so they could certify the votes. Originally Posted by Salty Again
I don't see that Salty. Raffensperger and Kemp wanted Trump to win. They voted for him.
I don't see that Salty. Raffensperger and Kemp wanted Trump to win. They voted for him. Originally Posted by Tiny
... I posted actual quotes from the famous
telephone call between Powell and Trump's people
and Raffensberger and his people - it's in one
o' me past threads.

... But the REAL question here is WHY??

As-in --- with this thread - WHY oh WHY would the

government offour Powell (and Chesbro) plead deals??


... They 'ad ALL those charges - "RICO Conspiracy" and
Destroyin' Democracy.... and whatever else.
Yet, half-a-mo before a trial - LOOK AT THAT!
Like Mandrake would do - Abra-Kadabra!
... Misdemeanour deals!

#### Salty
I suspect that there were two reasons Powell and Chesebro got deals:

To secure their testimony against bigger fish to be fried (I meant tried) in the future.

To prevent them from going to trial prior to the aforementioned bigger fish, thereby potentially exposing the entire government case to the remaining defendants' legal team.

It might be fun to see who will be the next accused to try and separate their case from the rest. Rats are known to flee a sinking ship.
I suspect when Chesebro completes filing in all the conversations between he and the likes of Trump, Eastman and Giuliani, there will be other dominoes that fall closing in Trump even more.
eyecu2's Avatar
Sweetheart plea deals happen in order to secure testimony against others in the RICO charges. If you incentivise the charges to a misdemeanor as they did with Powell, she's got every reason to take the deal outside of breaking the feilty loyalty oath and NDA that I'm sure Trump has them all sign. It's just the first 3 dominos and there will undoubtedly be MANY more to come in the next 3 weeks. It's gonna get ugly for the co-conspirators! They'll all be chomping at the bit in order to get the last of the deals before the DA decides to not play "let's make a deal " anymore.
... uh... actually, the term is "CHAMPING at the bit" - as it's
surely a good Australian saying from the Melbourne Cup.

However -- I'm still tryin' to understand the "sweetheart" deals
and not sure WHY they were not offoured sooner than right before
trial - IF - what you lads claim is correct.

... So the "RICO Charges" and what-not are all wicked-away
for misdemeanours and a felony.

... And how much Jail time is the Cheseboro fellow getting?
One o' the mates surely mentioned PROBATION.

... How they gonna "GET TRUMP" and put Him in Jail
when they can't even "GET" these people?? ...

#### Salty
Ye surely miss the details again. They did "get" these people. Or do your "barristers" commonly admit to crimes as a normal course of their business? But more important, they get insider, sworn testimony against the ones higher up. Plea deals will likely continue for a bit...but now you'll have those higher up competing to get them. Anyone want to guess who'll fold next, my guess is Meadows or Rudy.

Not to mention, I'm sure Jack Smith won't mind seeing what these guys have to say about "the one about to fall".
Thing is, "They" are willing to let some of the co-defendents off on lessor charges in order to secure their testimony and improve chances of convicting the bigger fish. Happens all the time even in murder cases....sometimes a cooperative shooter gets milder sentence than the accomplice. Not saying it's right, but that's how it works.

My suspicion is that Rudy and Don are the big fish. If Rudy can make any sort of deal and turn, he better take it...Don hasn't covered his ass to date. You lay down with dogs and you get up with fleas.
  • Tiny
  • 10-20-2023, 09:54 PM
Thing is, "They" are willing to let some of the co-defendents off on lessor charges in order to secure their testimony and improve chances of convicting the bigger fish. Happens all the time even in murder cases....sometimes a cooperative shooter gets milder sentence than the accomplice. Not saying it's right, but that's how it works.

My suspicion is that Rudy and Don are the big fish. If Rudy can make any sort of deal and turn, he better take it...Don hasn't covered his ass to date. You lay down with dogs and you get up with fleas. Originally Posted by reddog1951
I’ll see your Rudy and raise you a Don. In the end if faced with prison time and no realistic chance of a pardon, I wonder if Trump would accept a plea bargain. I hope so. I’d rather see him with something like home confinement and an ankle bracelet instead of in jail.
I’ll see your Rudy and raise you a Don. In the end if faced with prison time and no realistic chance of a pardon, I wonder if Trump would accept a plea bargain. I hope so. I’d rather see him with something like home confinement and an ankle bracelet instead of in jail. Originally Posted by Tiny

Nah, he's not going to have a home by that time. I don't think he can get an ankle bracelet to live under and overpass.