Emanuel goes after Chick-fil-A for boss’ anti-gay views

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
From the article:

“Chick-fil-A’s values are not Chicago values. They’re not respectful of our residents, our neighbors and our family members. And if you’re gonna be part of the Chicago community, you should reflect Chicago values,” Emanuel said Wednesday.

Really? Treating employees well, providing a good product and service, and supporting the community are not welcome in Chicago?

This is bullshit. If you choose to not eat at Chick-Fil-A, fine. When the government works to keep you from eating at Chick-Fil-A because they don't like something the owner said is like sending out the thought police.

And Chicago values? Jesus, give us a break, Rahm. Here are your Chicago values:


Louie Farrakhan gets the royal treatment in Chicago. A chicken place, must leave.

I totally disagree with the views on gay marriage that the CEO of Chick-Fil-A espoused. (Espoused. Get it? LOL!) But this is ridiculous. It is selective outrage during an election year.

I'm going to Chick-Fil-A for lunch. Join me?

Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 07-26-2012, 07:39 AM
What a piece of dog shit emanuel is. Fuck him, and anyone who looks like him...lol.. damn , who gives two flying fucks what he says. I think I'll buy stock in chic fil a. Probably one of the most corrupt cocksuckers in this country. He'd look great in a pin stripe suit...!!!!!
joe bloe's Avatar
What a piece of dog shit emanuel is. Fuck him, and anyone who looks like him...lol.. damn , who gives two flying fucks what he says. I think I'll buy stock in chic fil a. Probably one of the most corrupt cocksuckers in this country. He'd look great in a pin stripe suit...!!!!! Originally Posted by seedman55
I think Chick-fil-A is privately owned. If you could by stock, I would. They are amazingly well run. The employees are trained to be polite. The restaurants are always clean. Chick-fil-A is always closed on Sunday. Sunday is the most profitable day of the week for restaurants. They beat their competition even with the handicap of being closed on Sundays.

Standing for traditional values is now considered to be bigotry. Everything is upside down. We're told we don't deserve credit for building our own businesses. Obama says America isn't exceptional. The first lady says she's never been proud of the country. We're not allowed to develop our natural resources. People are encouraged to live on welfare.

I not sure if America is committing suicide or being murdered.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-26-2012, 08:12 AM
We're told we don't deserve credit for building our own businesses. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Only if you're an idiot.
Q: why did the Chick-fil-A cross the road?
A: to get to the other side.

Q: why did Rahm Emanuel cross the road?
A: he had his dick stuck in a chicken's ass,
whilst practicing the next "don't kill the chill-ren" speech
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 07-26-2012, 08:14 AM
Only if you're an idiot. Originally Posted by Doove
You have that department covered...LOL
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Opening a business in the US is becoming more than just filing tax forms, getting the required licenses, following government regulations. Now you will have to think government accepted thoughts.

I don't think this is a good trend.
Leave those kids alone...Pink Floyd
America's worse big city Mayors ( not ranked ):

- Michael Bloomberg (Nanny state poltician; NYC is great but they haven't had a great mayor since Koch)

- Stephanie Rawlings of Baltimore (top 10 big city crime rate; crumbling infrastructure, city hall corruption, yada yada)

- Michael Villagrosa (liberal who plays ethinc politics)

- Emanuel (high crime, corruption, cronyism, failing schools, gangs/drugs, etc)
what he is saying is that you cannot have an opinion that diverges from his opinion.

up till about a year ago, obama "had" the same opinion about marriage

exactly how is having a belief discrimnatory against anyone?
exactly how has chik-fil-a discriminated in serving or hiring anyone?

chicago values huh?...are there no Christians or for that matter observant jews or muslims in chicago?

what is a chicago value? having to pay off the ward heeler and alderman to get a construction permit?

the mayor of boston wants to run chik fil a out of boston as does some alderman in chicago...what is the first amendment? congress shall make NO LAW respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free excercise thereof...

the supreme court ruled on a case, applying the first amendment to the states....

what sort of outrage, lawsuits etc would be roiling should some city come out against some liberal opinion in the same manner...some company the ownership of which was gay and its president had expressed pro gay marriage opinions?

such a thing would never happen by conservatives, because conservatism isn't insufferably intolerant and controlling as the left innately is
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-26-2012, 08:40 AM
because conservatism isn't insufferably intolerant and controlling Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Funniest comment ever.
i knew that would get to you...

if you really were open to thinking, you would come around to the knowledge it is true
joe bloe's Avatar
America's worse big city Mayors ( not ranked ):

- Michael Bloomberg (Nanny state poltician; NYC is great but they haven't had a great mayor since Koch)

- Stephanie Rawlings of Baltimore (top 10 big city crime rate; crumbling infrastructure, city hall corruption, yada yada)

- Michael Villagrosa (liberal who plays ethinc politics)

- Emanuel (high crime, corruption, cronyism, failing schools, gangs/drugs, etc) Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Every big city in the country has a Democrat majority. Most of the Republicans are living in the suburbs. That's why all the big cities are in such trouble. The Republicans move out, so they lose the productive people, and are left with nothing but illegal aliens, criminals and welfare parasites. The big cities are becoming ungovernable.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Once again we harken back to the days of Nazi Germany when businesses were closed because they were Jewish, Communist, or didn't support the party line. After you can't open a business (and the jobs that come with it), then they go after where you are allowed to live. Can you see a future where the Christians have to live in a ghetto?
What an idiot. One of the reasons I left Chicago was I couldn't stand Daley (no, he doesn't deserve to be called Mayor Daley). And then the people elect, Rahm. I guess people in Chicago love to have high property taxes, crappy streets, pay for parking even when parked outside their own home, pay for parking meters that make a foreign company profitable (99-year lease, that should be illegal, but our Republican Texas Governor did the same with the tollways), etc.

I personally will not eat at Chick-Fil-A because I believe in equal rights and I don't want to contribute to a business that does not. But that's my point of view and I'm choosing what to do with my money. But having a Mayor step in like this? That's ridiculous.