17 Reasons Why Those Hoping For A Recession In 2012 Just Got Their Wish

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Interesting article. The author paints a pretty bleak picture of our economy. I'm not sure things have gotten better over the last 4 years.


JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I have to disagree with your implication COG. I have yet to hear anyone say that they want a recession this year but the realists are coming to the conclusion that the odds now favor another recession. Once you accept this is likely then any conversation goes to how does this affect Obama (which is not good if you don't know). So people are talking about higher inflation, higher prices, fewer jobs, less growth, and lower GDP just like in any other year. This just happens to be an election year.
BigLouie's Avatar
One of his points was:

"According to the U.S. Labor Department, the unemployment rate fell in 11 states and Washington, D.C. last month, but it rose in 27 states."

What is interesting is that the states where it fell are run by Democrat governors and the states where it rose are run by Republican governors.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Are you on downers or did your dog die, old geezer?

You sure seem to post a lot of bleak messages.

. . . Don't you have anything positive at all to say?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
FastGoon, your Libertarian post in the other thread was probably the most uplifting and positive statement ever made on here. It was really good.

I just point out the bleak stuff that is going on. It's bleak. People need to be aware. I've also suggested a few times, and probably need to do more, that it is important to maintain a positive personal attitude, regardless of what the government is doing. The government will never be able to outlaw beauty, a child's laughter, or a spring rain. There's lots of good out there, and we will need all of it.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-31-2012, 08:35 AM
. The government will never be able to outlaw ... a spring rain. . Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Don't tell our farmers that. They will blame the black guy in the White House for the lack of rain!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You have racial issues, too, eh? Your insecurity in intense. Seek help. It's out there. You can feel good about yourself, without resorting to baseless epithets to try to bolster your weak self-esteem. It's not too late.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-31-2012, 08:43 AM
I make fun of all kinds, how is that insecure?

Are you retarded?

I make fun of all kinds, how is that insecure?

Originally Posted by WTF
now you are making fun of yourself
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-31-2012, 08:57 AM
now you are making fun of yourself Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
That too

Boy, I was not aware of the serious group of posters we have here!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I make fun of all kinds, how is that insecure?

Originally Posted by WTF
You just defined insecurity. Please get help. You'll be happier, and this board will be better.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
The government will never be able to outlaw beauty, a child's laughter, or a spring rain. There's lots of good out there, and we will need all of it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

.....I knew you were gay.
Obama wants the economic hardships to continue for middle class Americans; no other explaination for his polcies that are killing economic growth.

Marxists/Socialists, like Obama, think more economic hardships will make the populace more dependent on government, central planning, and continued statism.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-31-2012, 11:54 AM
Interesting article. The author paints a pretty bleak picture of our economy. I'm not sure things have gotten better over the last 4 years.


Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

youre not sure?

pulling out of the deepest recession since WWII in itself qualifies as better. Have you checked the stock market in the last 4 years?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I don't think that happened, CBJ7. And we are poised for the worst economic collapse in history. When it happens, Obama will have to explain himself. He won't be able to blame Bush. Hell, what's Obama done? We've already seen that the "stimulus" was a payoff to his cronies, and a fraud on the American people. And instead of cutting the deficit in half, he has added 50% to the national debt in 3 1/2 years. He has also continued the "Bush tax cuts" which so many have blamed for the recession, and he will do so again. Then, as frosting on the cake, he pushed through, with sweetheart deals and threats, the largest takeover of a portion of the economy in years, which will increase taxes even more. And while he promised an unemployment rate of 5-6%, it remains over 8%, and the real figures are even higher.

Not only that, the recent surge of the stock market has been attributed to the belief that Romney will win the election. If Obama wins, watch it plummet to new lows.

If you think the country is better off economically because of the Obama administration, you are truly delusional. Can't help you there, dude.