Its not really that quiet in Texas

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Our posters from Texas have been very quiet about events down there. I can understand as many of our posters come from the left side of the aisle and others have declared the Tea Party dead. You see there is an election for the US Senate going on between mainstrean, tax supporting, Obama care supporting (sort of) republican (RINO) David Dewhurst and Tea Party favorite Ted Cruz. At this time Cruz is expected to win by 10 points which is a substantial Tea Party victory. When Cruz wins it will echo around the country that the Tea Party is still here and in it to win it. Up here Sara Palin is supporting Sarah Steelman for the Senate. Her opponent will be the walking dead Claire "I'm supposed to pay taxes on my private jet?" McCaskill. another hot GOP babe
pyramider's Avatar
I just want all the incumbents out. I say bring in a whole new group of incompetent thieves.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-31-2012, 05:07 AM
I would not count the Cruz chicken before it hatch's.
If you think there politics is screwed now just wait till the tea sippers get in there.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-31-2012, 07:07 AM
If you think there politics is screwed now just wait till the tea sippers get in there. Originally Posted by ekim008

In a sick way I'd like to see the Tea Nuts steer the ship!

They are like a bunch of teenagers that think they know know it all...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
In a sick way I'd like to see the Tea Nuts steer the ship!

They are like a bunch of teenagers that think they know know it all... Originally Posted by WTF
Kind of like you, eh, WDF? But I'll bet none of them spell "fuc" like you do, or snicker uncontrollably when someone calls another person a "homo".
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-31-2012, 08:32 AM
Kind of like you, eh, WDF? But I'll bet none of them spell "fuc" like you do, or snicker uncontrollably when someone calls another person a "homo". Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You got it backwards, I snicker when how I spell ''fuc'' bothers you and I could care less how you spell 'homo' or how homosexual you are.

I am suspcious of the PPP poll showing Cruz with a big margin (PPP is a liberal polling firm with a poor record); but I think Cruz will pull out a win....Dewhurst looked pitiful in the last two debates...and the Tea Party is very strong in all quarters of Texas.....even moderates think the Republican establishment is out of touch.....Palin has been campgaining hard for Cruz in the closing days...the Tea Party, the enthusiasm of Cruz supporters, a generational divide within the Texas Republican ranks, and the lack of regard the party base currently holds for Rick Perry...are all factors playing into Cruz's favor....

AND Cruz is hispanic; this has gone un-reported but I think Cruz is pulling in alot of latino voters ....

On a side note; Dewhurst was so pititful in the debate that he actually apologized for not being a "good speaker".....and he wants a seat in the Senate?????

A Cruz win is a huge incremental step toward a more Constitutional Republic !

A half-dozen more Cruz/DeMinit/Coburn/Paul and the balance of power within the GOP shifts to the Tea Party.....The GOP establishment is in fear of this scenario.

The nay sayers thought Walker was toast; and the Tea Party delivered big time in Wisconsin,,,,same thing in Texas today !

I suspect the Cruz victory is already a done deal. Early voting turn out was record breaking......

Our posters from Texas have been very quiet about events down there. I can understand as many of our posters come from the left side of the aisle and others have declared the Tea Party dead. You see there is an election for the US Senate going on between mainstrean, tax supporting, Obama care supporting (sort of) republican (RINO) David Dewhurst and Tea Party favorite Ted Cruz. At this time Cruz is expected to win by 10 points which is a substantial Tea Party victory. When Cruz wins it will echo around the country that the Tea Party is still here and in it to win it. Up here Sara Palin is supporting Sarah Steelman for the Senate. Her opponent will be the walking dead Claire "I'm supposed to pay taxes on my private jet?" McCaskill. another hot GOP babe Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
For a run off election the polls were busy. Cruz should be a winner if what I was watching in the voting place is the same in other places.
Democrats (and Independents) can vote in the run off election; provided they didn't declare Democratic in the earlier many independents, or leaning Democrats might be motivated to turn out for Cruz; but less likely for Dewhurst, who has all the charisma of an eggplant and generates zero excitement with voters in the great State of Texas !!!!

If Cruz wins by a big margin; it will be fun to watch the CNN/MSNBC liberal pundits spin a Cruz win into some kind of Obama upside !

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-31-2012, 11:28 AM
Juan Pablo Escabar Cruz knows hes going to be up to his tacos in debt when he wins ..

you think this state has cut back firefighter pensions and feeding the poor people now, you just wait until a Tea'ster with a LT Gov tag swinging around his neck dips his bag in the budget ...

So the solution to overspending is to keep spending ???

It is going to be ugly; but there is no avoiding it. Especially if the liberals keep killing economic growth, growth that could generate jobs, employment, and tax revenues.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-31-2012, 11:47 AM
So the solution to overspending is to keep spending ???

It is going to be ugly; but there is no avoiding it. Especially if the liberals keep killing economic growth, growth that could generate jobs, employment, and tax revenues. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

yes indeed whirlie, the liberals havent been in control of Texas since 1994 so sure theyve killed everything in the state.

Cruz is going to be a Senator; it has nothing to do with local/state government.......

You think the Feds should continue the spending spree I guess......

Tea Party, Cruz and other patriotic Americans don't.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Will Cruz oppose the Patriot Act and the NDAA?