what are you hiding Willard?

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-01-2012, 01:07 PM
JERUSALEM--Mitt Romney's campaign is barring members of the news media from attending a Monday fundraiser here, a change from their standard practice of making finance events open to a pool reporter.

Romney is slated to raise money from American citizens at the city's King David Hotel, but a campaign aide told reporters travelling with the Republican that they would not be allowed to have a representative present to record the event.

"Closed press," is all Romney press aide Rick Gorka would say when asked about the departure from their usual practice of letting reporters into fundraisers held in public venues.

apparently after all was said and done, Willard let ONE press member that traveled with him in the breakfast fundraiser ... selective press reporting at its finest

I'll pick you, but heres the rules ..

hiding something else Willard?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Obama's Revenge: New Yorker Reporter Excluded From Press Plane For Overseas Trip


Three reporters bumped off Obama campaign plane

November 02, 2008| Don Frederick and Andrew Malcolm | Frederick and Malcolm are Times staff writers.

Sen. Barack Obama's operation has kicked three newspaper reporters off its campaign plane.

Obama's people say it was a tough decision to boot the reporters for the New York Post, the Dallas Morning News and the Washington Times. But, they say, there are only so many seats on the plane and somebody had to go.

It's probably just a coincidence that all three papers recently endorsed Obama's Republican rival for president, Arizona Sen. John McCain.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Obama has already had meeting without the press and personal electronics have been confiscated. Israel is a different country with different customs. Too many cases of Americans being targeted for supporting the GOP. With Obama's Muslim connections you can't take too many chances.

Why don't you complain about Obama excluding the press in this country. You know, the first amendment and all.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-01-2012, 01:31 PM
Obama has already had meeting without the press and personal electronics have been confiscated. Israel is a different country with different customs. Too many cases of Americans being targeted for supporting the GOP. With Obama's Muslim connections you can't take too many chances.

Why don't you complain about Obama excluding the press in this country. You know, the first amendment and all. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

the reporters flew to Israel with Romney, a different country has nothing to do with it.

unless you fire up the excuse machine and try to cover willards bullshit with your horseshit
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's ok when Obama does it, JD, because as we all know, Obama knows what's best for us. When Romney does it, he's hiding something. That's CBJ7's standard for all things. Obama does nothing wrong, Romney can't do anything right. That is because Obama only has what's best for us at heart, and Romney just wants to loot the treasury to make himself richer.

You need to learn this stuff, JD.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-01-2012, 02:20 PM
It's ok when Obama does it, JD, because as we all know, Obama knows what's best for us. When Romney does it, he's hiding something. That's CBJ7's standard for all things. Obama does nothing wrong, Romney can't do anything right. That is because Obama only has what's best for us at heart, and Romney just wants to loot the treasury to make himself richer.

You need to learn this stuff, JD. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

there you go again ... you constantly remind everyone Willard is a better choice than Obie, then in the next breath have no problem with Willard doing the same thing Obie did

if Willard is a carbon copy of Obie what makes you think hes a better choice than Obie?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Willard is only a slightly better choice than Hussein. I don't worship either one, as you apparently worship Obama, and then deny it. It's plain that you do. I'm just exposing your hypocrisy, and Hussein's.

I'd rather not have either one as President, but I expect one of them will be. If it has to be one or the other, I prefer Willard over Hussein.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-01-2012, 02:33 PM
me worship Obie?

thats fuckin rich ... is that meaningless tidbit supposed to offend me ?
"Reporter Scott Powers says Biden's staff kept him confined in a closet during posh fundraiser"


It's not OK when anybody does it, period. Just because Obama does it doesn't make it OK for Romney to do it, and just because Bush did it doesn't make it OK for Obama to do it.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-01-2012, 03:00 PM
we're talking about Willard in Israel 3 days ago ...

apparently the most curious are now the least curious

presonally, I want to know what he had to hide ... HE is the candidate running for president trying to unseat the current president
The press doesn't have unlimited access rights.......where do you get these crazy ideas ?

If Obama/Romney want to meet in private with donors; so be it....but the canddiate can't have it both ways; preaching to us how transparent their campgain is then shut the press out or lock them in a closet to protect their privacy..
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
That's kind of the point, ICUP. I'm just tired of people excusing Obama for doing things they rail against others for doing.

These people don't realize that they are able to say, "I support Obama, but what he did in this instance is not right." They seem to think that if they acknowledge any error or weakness in Obama, his campaign and/or administration will crumble. It is close to a personality cult, harmful and dangerous both to the adored and the adorers.

It's really ok. No one is perfect, not even Obama. I don't understand why partisans have to make their candidate out to be Jesus, and their opponent, Satan. The fact is they are more alike than they are different, and both are imperfect. They both take dumps that stink, and they have both picked their nose in public. Big deal.

Just be realistic. But on the other hand, I'd have no fun at all if people responded, "You're right, that's not the best thing for Obama to do, but I still think he's the better candidate."

Who could argue with that? But it's more fun to watch them try to spin things to make Obama perfect.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-01-2012, 03:09 PM
The press doesn't have unlimited access rights.......where do you get these crazy ideas ?

If Obama/Romney want to meet in private with donors; so be it....but the canddiate can't have it both ways; preaching to us how transparent their campgain is then shut the press out or lock them in a closet to protect their privacy.. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

if you can quote me saying anything about the press having unlimited access I wont think youre crazy ...
I know COG. I guess that's what keeps me coming to the board. It's actually entertaining to read the posts from both sides of the aisle.