Maxine Waters

Ducbutter's Avatar
Did you see the guy sitting next to her. His eyes told the whole story. LOL
Ohhh. That was ugly. Don't cha hate when a word sticks in your head?

That whole discussion reinforces my belief in better and RENEWABLE energy sources.
It would be expensive in the short term but would pay untold dividends in economic,
Political and social progress.
That word isn't "Truth" is it UB?

UB delusional. There is no technology in the short term to substitute for gas and oil. Trying wholesale use of wind and solar technology wouldn't simply cripple the US economy, it would cripple the entire country.

The Democratic environazis aren't going to allow nuke plants and hydo-electric dams. I've been waiting for 50 years to nail a cheap 1kW solar matrix to the side of my house - it will never happen in my lifetime. Its not because of the oil majors...its the simple physics and economics of punching a hole in the ground and harvesting trillions of transportable BTUs.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Maxine would like the government to own the energy companies, which is the major driving force in our economy, and turn them into inefficient bureaucracies that further fail. The profit that the efficient energy companies make would disappear and we would be in worse shape than Mexico.