When a member's reputation is being trashed, are you comfortable watching the lies?

Boltfan's Avatar
When you know the truth?

The question for the ages.

This week we had a revelation of sorts. Miss Priss, the enigma, the newb with so much info about the past it was amazing, got into it with one of our longer tenured members. In the interest of full disclosure I happen to call this person my friend, but the reason for this thread is not just because of that friendship.

I come to my fellow members today to hope that one Amber Rain will step up and tell the truth. Actually all she needs to do is confirm the truth. Confirm that the viscous personal attacks, the accusations of the unmentionable activity, were driven out of mistaken identity of a past encounter from years ago.

TheOriginalDannie, TheDannie if you will, was involved in a very cerebral thread that turned personal. Our enigma, Miss Priss, made some allegations that were shocking, and frankly reputation harming to certain members of our community. The allegations of forbidden topics were rampant. Why, O Why would she make such accusations you say if they were not true? Alas, no one here ever lies, right?

The issue at hand, and those directly involved can confirm, is one of mistaken identity. TheOriginalDannie, Awesomesauce Dannie, TheDannie, was not involved in this tale. When I originally was told the story, it made no sense. It made no sense until one key piece of information was revealed. That information, known to Amber Rain, known to me, and known to the other gentleman involved (who shall remain nameless unless he wishes to come forward) was that a completely different Dannie was involved. Tales of theft were recounted, but identification of the parties incorrectly explained (or were they?).

Miss Priss, her of the disabled account, is no longer here to step forward and confirm this mistake. 3 others are, me being one, Amber being one (the architect) and the third gentleman who shall remain hidden unless he chooses to come forward.

I asked, even pleaded with, Amber Rain to do the right thing and exonerate the other member falsely accused of actions that were not her own. Amber refused. There are additional tangents to this tale that remain unclear and will not be posted now, as I do not enjoy speculation (unless it is about my love of trannys, then that is simply amusing). Fantastic tales of additional outings by parties who have previously done so, tales of attack commands to the pawns to taunt and bait, and additional popcorn eating entertainment fodder still remain to be exposed to the eccie drama peanut gallery. At this time those avenues, while being explored, are still speculation. My black knight status has been temporarily surrendered for my Comfortably Numb buddy in crime. No one should have to suffer accusations such as these.

As I said to you earlier Amber, do the right thing. More truth is revealed by the hour.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Please link the post where these accusations of Amber were made.
Boltfan's Avatar
No accusations of Amber. Accusations Amber could easily choose to expose as incorrect and falsely driven by mistaken identity.

Ok said I wouldn't but at the advice of sum1 I trust in...here goes...
Dannie sorry you've been mistaken for sum1 else.

Wrong Dannie was accused of this act....theoringinaldannie is clear from forbidden topic.

That is all I'm saying.
Enjoy ur night now.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
meant to say from Amber. I don't even see a post from Amber in that trainwreck thread

Well there it is....just here, now
So what you're saying is that others have been provoked to cause problems and have been making accusations fed to them via third party because someone else that now uses the name Dannie in some fashion caused Amber problems?

Wow, that's really unfortunate.
  • Caleb
  • 04-20-2013, 12:27 AM
So if I understand this, Dannie posed a serious question on a legitimate topic, which should have been a healthy conversation for our community to have.

Someone pissed in Amber's Wheaties years ago, so she encouraged MissPriss to pick a fight?? Did I get that right, really?

Then somehow the thread turned into Tara drama.

Holy mother of Tebow, if only mention of Merciana and a stolen car had been made, that could have been the trifecta of all drama threads!!

Fucktards and hooktards have such amazing ability to focus on a topic...smh
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Thats how I see it Elysa. I gathered its someone that "used" to use the name Dannie

I'm reasonably sure there was zero encouraging from Amber to MissPriss there Caleb. LOL
  • Caleb
  • 04-20-2013, 12:55 AM
I'm reasonably sure there was zero encouraging from Amber to MissPriss there Caleb. LOL Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Glad you are reasonably sure. I'm not very good with either Reason or Logic. Is the reader to believe that Amber just apologized because she thought it would be a fun thing to do on a Friday night? Sorry, don't buy it. But like I said, I'm not very logical.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Your right Caleb, how would or could I know anything? I'm quite illogical myself, with a reading disorder at times.

Lets see, Leon asked
No accusations of Amber. Accusations Amber could easily choose to expose as incorrect and falsely driven by mistaken identity.

http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=717983&page=4 Originally Posted by Leon Sandcastle
Amber answered
Ok said I wouldn't but at the advice of sum1 I trust in...here goes...
Dannie sorry you've been mistaken for sum1 else.

Wrong Dannie was accused of this act....theoringinaldannie is clear from forbidden topic.

That is all I'm saying.
Enjoy ur night now.
Ar Originally Posted by Amber Rain
Seems pretty illogical to me
Dear Chica and community,

This is the thread I posted, that was derailed by Misspriss, thanks to Amber.

Misspriss and I have been in contact, as she reached out to sincerely apologize to me for the awful statements made, and for dragging Tara into the thread.

Amber Rain told Misspriss that I stole her purse at a gathering, then used her food stamps and ATM card. Has anyone been to my incall? I don't need your welfare stamps, hun.

Also, I was with PMDelites at the time, then it changed to Jack Napier. Then she had no clue if I was with anyone or not.
I have NEVER met Amber, PMDelites, or Jack Napier EVER in my life. What actually happened was, Amber supposedly confused me with Dani of Dallas. Supposedly.

Kinda weird, since I have been TheOriginalDannie for a long while...and I am friendly with ~Ze~ and Jules, who Amber obviously has some sort of issues with. You do the math. *ahem, cough, hack*

Anyhow, while many of you were making me out to be the devil, Amber was the one putting BS in Misspriss' ear; to "go after" me on the board. Misspriss will be activating her account again, and will be making a very public apology to me. She gave me permission to post her apology but that is against board rules.

In the meantime, I apologize to her for engaging in such childish behavior. The truth of the matter is, Amber Rain set her up to do her dirty work and Amber is now threatening to out MP, as they are RL friends and know each other's real names. Amber has outted members or threatened to out them, how many times now?????????? I've lost count.

I don't run in the same circles as these type of providers, so everyone who gave me grief about standing up for myself can suck me.

I can't wait to hear Chevalier's long-winded diatribe about this. Maybe I will get lucky and he will blog about me...again.

So the TRUTH of the matter is, Amber Rain set Misspriss up to be her patsy. I started a thoughtful thread, and Amber called her, PM'd and emailed, to tell her my thread was about Tara. Tara, you were also dragged into this by Amber. Thank Amber for that.

I love you, Leon....I really do. I don't accept Amber's half-assed apology though. Fuck the forbidden topics, Amber, and thanks so fucking much for putting bold-faced lies in her ear and playing her. You made Misspriss look like the idiot on that one. She's a sweet girl and you used her friendship for your own personal board-vendetta. Shame on you.

It's off the board and in emails, Chica. There is totally solid proof, PM me if you want it but Dallas mods are aware. Hell, a certain mod knew when Misspriss disabled her account, why she was doing it: Amber.

In summary, Amber Rain asked Misspriss to go after me, asked her to amp up the disputes between Tara and myself, pointed out my sig line to her via phone, and made accusations that are beyond my wildest ghetto-fabulous dreams. Yes, I fed into it in an emotional state. Misspriss and I are totally fine now. Amber Rain was the behind-the-scenes, shit-stirring problem.

Sorry, Tara. Really. I am apologizing for Amber since it's like pulling teeth to get her to admit she's a shady B?!*H.

I'm sure I'm still the bad guy though. I tell it like it is, where most of you fucktards hate when a "Lil lady" speaks up for herself. Now you know the truth and you can go make your "piss-on-me-in-the-dark" appointments with Amber Rain, to make her feel all better. Just make sure she knows NOTHING about you, and rent a car when you go.

Where is the "fuck you" smiley when you need it?!
ManSlut's Avatar
Wow !! ...HOLYSHIT BATGIRLS, y'all really know how to liven shit up around here!!...From indiscretion to outting folks real life names and info here...I'm glad I'm single and don't give a FUCK.

But, I will say this, "Be careful believing anything someone is whispering in your ear or blasting on a bullhorn."
Call it indiscreet if you want. Fuck it.

I was bashed and backed into a corner, ass fucked by the board (with no lube), slandered by a provider I never met, had whispers of "forbidden topics" in every corner, all from a perfectly sensible thread I started, that turned train wreck....and none of it was even true. But you fucktards sure eat that shit up, as much as you love to bitch about draaamaaaaa.

Now that everyone knows who was behind it all, and she's AGAIN threatening to out people, you don't care about it?

So I suppose your answer to the OP's question is, "YES! I am totally comfortable with watching the lies as a member's rep is being trashed". Good to know!

Well fuck me running. If we say something, drama. If we don't say something, drama.

Explain what you would like. You like rip offs? Because if you read and pay attention you might avoid one, instead of making snarky comments.

Go figure out who will "out" you for a pack of M&M's, on your own damn time LOL
er48665's Avatar
Amber starting drama, now that's a first.
pyramider's Avatar
Even if MissPriss was set up, is she not an adult with decision making abilities? She, as an accomplice, is just as guilty as Amber Rain to this cluster fuck. Personally, I thinck MissPriss' new found religion is due to the backlash of her actions. I may be wrong, but one 's actions speak louder than words.