Hobby babies?? Have you ever heard of one.

Raw dog's Avatar
I hear people talking about this a lot on different threads. Have you ever known of a guy or girl putting a guy or being put on child support for one.

For me I if I seen a provider she would have and info to find me. But let's say your acting safe and using a condom and it breaks and the contents spill over in her do you exchange information to get in contact with one another??

I'm meaning real names and phone numbers.

And if she would say she is pregnant and needed money for an procedure to get rid of the (problem) would you send it to her??

Let's say your married. How far would you go to be a stand up guy behind a broken condom?? Would you go to dr visits with her to see how the baby is doing??

What if your pro-life?? Would you tell your wife and lose your house 401k retirement behind a provider??

But if she came to you and said for 600 your off the hook?!?

What would you do???
I know of several guys who are paying child support to kids conceive in p4p situations. Most were strippers and most do not involve a broken condom. Most chicks will do plan B in the event of a broken condom, plus there's a bunch of spermicide sloshing around anyway.

It's the BBFS that fucks everything up. Where do you think those people on Maury come from who have to test multiple guys to find the baby daddy?
Raw dog's Avatar
I know of several guys who are paying child support to kids conceive in p4p situations. Most were strippers and most do not involve a broken condom. Most chicks will do plan B in the event of a broken condom, plus there's a bunch of spermicide sloshing around anyway.

It's the BBFS that fucks everything up. Where do you think those people on Maury come from who have to test multiple guys to find the baby daddy? Originally Posted by Your Naughty Muse
Your friends must be afraid to get on a plane or in a car with you with luck you have. You know several guys!! Damn. Just knowing you is bad luck. Lol. And all of them ended up being the fathers of strippers children. A one night stand with a stripper and and she sure your the dad and she is right too.

Play the lottery right now this is like finally destination.

And your on this site too. Your sure to make a child here.

Good luck man. I'll pray for you
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Go sit in the bleachers in family court at your county courthouse for a day. It's all there, real life with no script. And, anyone that works medical profession, or social services, sees this stuff almost every day, as it's not exclusive to strippers, etc. Frequently, it's college kids (not on the pill), and a big issue there (other than stds floating around the dorms) is that they get scared of parents, and don't do Plan B or even think about that, until to late, and then they have issues with the big "A", so there's a kid several months later. Once your ID is known, the local judge will take it from there, as the dna test is quite conclusive.
Raw dog's Avatar
But my question is this to you how does a provider get that much info on you to bring you there?? I don't believe for a second that I'm getting their real name. But how is it they get yours??

What do they do go to the child support people and say he was tall and thin and they round up people that fits the profile. Or dies she call you back a few months later and say " hey I need your first and last name and mailing address for some papers?

Or do they tell the child support people or judge he drive a red car and paid in twenties. And they track you from that?

Please let me know.

Because I couldn't tell you jack about one I've been with outside of how good it was.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Regardless of the situation, there is no way in hell I'm exchanging real life info with her. If the condom breaks, I hope she will take the Plan B drugs on her own. This might sound cynical, but it is her tough luck if the condom broke. Giving her your RL name opens the guy up to far more problems than if the girl gave the guy her RL info. By giving up your name (even if the condom broke) is just asking for trouble. Let's say she does get pregnant-- doesn't matter if it is from your broken condom or her loser BF, she now has your name and info. She can fuck with you. She can get court orders for paternity tests and shit based solely on the fact you gave her your name. Yeah, she just might be wanting to eliminate possible baby daddies, but do you really want to be in that position? No. She has half the responsibility for not getting pregnant. If she doesn't take measures to prevent the pregnancy (even after a broken condom), I wouldn't want her knowing a damn thing about me.
Cpalmson's Avatar
But my question is this to you how does a provider get that much info on you to bring you there?? I don't believe for a second that I'm getting their real name. But how is it they get yours??

What do they do go to the child support people and say he was tall and thin and they round up people that fits the profile. Or dies she call you back a few months later and say " hey I need your first and last name and mailing address for some papers?

Or do they tell the child support people or judge he drive a red car and paid in twenties. And they track you from that?

Please let me know.

Because I couldn't tell you jack about one I've been with outside of how good it was. Originally Posted by Raw dog
If you don't give her your real info, she only has your hobby phone or hobby e-mail or hobby handle to track you down. It would take a lot of effort or someone savvy enough with tech to find you. She would have to be really smart or have the $$$ to pay someone to find out. Most girls that get pregnant in the hobby aren't that smart nor have that kinda $$$. Even if she does track you down, she still has to prove your are the baby daddy before child support can be awarded.
Raw dog's Avatar
Regardless of the situation, there is no way in hell I'm exchanging real life info with her. If the condom breaks, I hope she will take the Plan B drugs on her own. This might sound cynical, but it is her tough luck if the condom broke. Giving her your RL name opens the guy up to far more problems than if the girl gave the guy her RL info. By giving up your name (even if the condom broke) is just asking for trouble. Let's say she does get pregnant-- doesn't matter if it is from your broken condom or her loser BF, she now has your name and info. She can fuck with you. She can get court orders for paternity tests and shit based solely on the fact you gave her your name. Yeah, she just might be wanting to eliminate possible baby daddies, but do you really want to be in that position? No. She has half the responsibility for not getting pregnant. If she doesn't take measures to prevent the pregnancy (even after a broken condom), I wouldn't want her knowing a damn thing about me. Originally Posted by Cpalmson

Thank you!

A provider could use your real info to blackmail you. If you think it isn't beyond her I got some beach front property to sell you.
C'mon guys. Its not rocket science. If they want your ID, they got it.

There must be 50 ways a determined provider can get enough info on you to give a judge or a PI the means to look you up.

Lets start with the obvious: going thru your pants while you're in the pisser.
Did you take the bus? She or her friend can write down your license plate number.
Did you contact her by email? If so....did you use IP spoofing? If not, she has your IP address.
Hidden cameras.
Did you leave that water bottle behind? Fingerprints.
And lets not talk about the hefty dna sample you left.

No....I'm not paranoid. But all of the above are easily obtained. Just saying......your hobby phone doesn't make you bulletproof. If the gal is vengeful, smart, and bat-shit crazy.....you could be in trouble.
It makes me sad to see all the suspicion that goes on regarding providers. I'm not naive enough to assume that every girl in the hobby does things just like I do, but sometimes these threads make me cringe.

Perspective from the other side: My tubes are tied, so I don't have to worry about pregnancy, but even so, I still take all the precautions I can. I'm a grown woman, it's my responsibility take good care of myself. This includes condoms, regular monthly testing, and if it were necessary, plan B, and a procedure in the worst case scenario. I haven't spoken with any providers in real life, but in the online community, I can tell you that the women I have spoken with want about as much drama as you do, which is none. I personally do not give a hoot about who you are beyond verifying that associating with you isn't going to end up with me facedown on a jogging path getting dusted for fingerprints.

Looking at it from a business perspective, I would make more money off of a good reputation and repeat "business" than any sort of scamming or fuckery that results in court BS and a human life. If I were looking to pin down a husband, this wouldn't be the way I went about it. From any other perspective, I ask the men that I see to be respectful and treat me well, and give them the same in return. I'm sure the wrong side of this business could make you misandrist and bitter, but I love men, I love sex, I love variety and adventure, and I love the freedom that the hobby gives me to spend my days with my kid and live comfortably. These men help pay my bills, we both get laid, and then we all go back to our lives without causing each other trouble, who in their right mind would complicate that arrangement?

Just so you know, we're not all the same, and we're not all out to scam you.
Go sit in the bleachers in family court at your county courthouse for a day. It's all there, real life with no script. And, anyone that works medical profession, or social services, sees this stuff almost every day, as it's not exclusive to strippers, etc. Frequently, it's college kids (not on the pill), and a big issue there (other than stds floating around the dorms) is that they get scared of parents, and don't do Plan B or even think about that, until to late, and then they have issues with the big "A", so there's a kid several months later. Once your ID is known, the local judge will take it from there, as the dna test is quite conclusive. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Um. Yeah. What UC said. Go to Family Court in a big city on any given day and the freaks come out!

And yes. Women file paternity papers with nothing more than a street name and a description. Or many different options for the baby daddy. Shit gets crazy.
Raw dog's Avatar
C'mon guys. Its not rocket science. If they want your ID, they got it.

There must be 50 ways a determined provider can get enough info on you to give a judge or a PI the means to look you up.

Lets start with the obvious: going thru your pants while you're in the pisser.
Did you take the bus? She or her friend can write down your license plate number.
Did you contact her by email? If so....did you use IP spoofing? If not, she has your IP address.
Hidden cameras.
Did you leave that water bottle behind? Fingerprints.
And lets not talk about the hefty dna sample you left.

No....I'm not paranoid. But all of the above are easily obtained. Just saying......your hobby phone doesn't make you bulletproof. If the gal is vengeful, smart, and bat-shit crazy.....you could be in trouble. Originally Posted by hgritstoo
I like you but as for the car situation. I never tell them what kind of car I drove there. I only met at hotels

The license plate goes with the car thing I might have drove my friends car there but she would be looking for the wrong car anyway.

As for email that's a no only if the FBI got involved in a child support case because all the info there says I'm form another country.

My hobby phone is prepaid there isn't any info to track me or anyone there they don't care who you are as long as you buy that card.

And as for DNA she could get me on that one if she get the state police to block off all the state borders and DNA test everyone in the state.

And fingerprints what child support office is going to dust a hotel room for prints because you don't know who you slept with. Do they bring in everyone who has prints in the room. Would they bring in 50 people to find out who a providers baby daddy is. I think not.
Nightman's Avatar
Wow! Hobby phone and and hobby name. If they're fucking 10 guys a day, good luck tracking you down. Strippers, the same thing. If she's raw dogging you in VIP, you're probably not the only one.
Your friends must be afraid to get on a plane or in a car with you with luck you have. You know several guys!! Damn. Just knowing you is bad luck. Lol. And all of them ended up being the fathers of strippers children. A one night stand with a stripper and and she sure your the dad and she is right too.

Play the lottery right now this is like finally destination.

And your on this site too. Your sure to make a child here.

Good luck man. I'll pray for you Originally Posted by Raw dog
You lost me. But, whatever...

I'm quite unlikely to make a baby, though. But thanks for your concern.
Raw dog's Avatar
Um. Yeah. What UC said. Go to Family Court in a big city on any given day and the freaks come out!

And yes. Women file paternity papers with nothing more than a street name and a description. Or many different options for the baby daddy. Shit gets crazy. Originally Posted by Your Naughty Muse
A street name?? Really. "He lives on Main your honor". He is white too. Come one. I would love to be in that court.

Oh and in a big city too like they got time for that shit with killings and shooting and drugs going on.

A street name!!

"Your Honor he was on Main Street the day I conceived".

"He said his my was Joe too"