Wendy Bell right again.

Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 07-26-2022, 01:02 PM
Wendy Bell was spot on about who committs the most crime in our Pittsburgh region.

Updates will follow as needed.

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  • 07-26-2022, 05:49 PM
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You need to take away their guns.
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  • Devo
  • 07-28-2022, 10:46 AM
You need to take away their guns. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Not my job, you wanna take their guns, go for it.

Someone should though, but seeing the police have been forced to bow out..........

I guess you are all we have.
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  • 08-06-2022, 01:03 PM
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  • 08-06-2022, 01:03 PM
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  • 08-06-2022, 01:04 PM
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  • 08-06-2022, 01:05 PM
Fucking white supremacists, the largest problem we face in this country today.
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  • 08-06-2022, 01:07 PM
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  • 08-06-2022, 02:37 PM
Dont you know? All crimes are committed by white males, 18-21, with AR-15s. NO other guns are used to commit crimes!!! The News Media says so!!! I also am selling the Brooklyn Bridge if you believe the media.
eyecu2's Avatar
When you hear about shootings in general, it's is mostly young men, under 25, and done with illegal pistols. ARs get a bad rap but only because they are so deadly...and designed to be so. But when you hear of local shootings, 9.9 :10 times it's a young male, often of lower income neighborhoods and missing 1 or more parental figures. When I hear of the same things in places like Chicago or Philly or higher crime areas, the demographics indicate the likelihood of young black men being involved. Sadly black on black crime is most prevalent & under-reporter. My question is to what level does that behavior become acceptable and embraced as normal in any neighborhood or area. It's a fucking shame that gun violence is such a huge problem. I actually think changing the age for gun ownership/ or use to be 18 on shotguns, 21 on long rifles and 25 on pistols. Pistols kill way more ppl in the hands of nefarious characters...how the hell do these people get out of jail with multiple gun violations and go on to get even more? Do a crime with a gun, mandatory 10 yrs in jail.
True. Its mostly handguns. And raising the age doesnt stop a majority of these types of shootings where the gun is gotten illegally. Never knew criminals to follow the laws. But I do think the penalty for having a gun illegally should be more severe.
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  • Devo
  • 08-07-2022, 01:54 PM
Before anyone claims this thread is racist, I want to point out, that before the black community can heal, it has to admit they have a problem.

Look at the cases of multiple CHILDREN being charged with murder in New Ken, fucking sad.

White kids dying from a school shooting get all the publicity, but, the daily death toll in the inner cities DWARF all other shootings combined.
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  • Devo
  • 08-07-2022, 01:59 PM
When you hear about shootings in general, it's is mostly young men, under 25, and done with illegal pistols. ARs get a bad rap but only because they are so deadly...and designed to be so. But when you hear of local shootings, 9.9 :10 times it's a young male, often of lower income neighborhoods and missing 1 or more parental figures. When I hear of the same things in places like Chicago or Philly or higher crime areas, the demographics indicate the likelihood of young black men being involved. Sadly black on black crime is most prevalent & under-reporter. My question is to what level does that behavior become acceptable and embraced as normal in any neighborhood or area. It's a fucking shame that gun violence is such a huge problem. I actually think changing the age for gun ownership/ or use to be 18 on shotguns, 21 on long rifles and 25 on pistols. Pistols kill way more ppl in the hands of nefarious characters...how the hell do these people get out of jail with multiple gun violations and go on to get even more? Do a crime with a gun, mandatory 10 yrs in jail. Originally Posted by eyecu2

First the under 21 restrictions are already ruled unconstitutional in multiple courts, and that was before the SCOTUS New York ruling.

The laws just passed by the Congress are going to be ruled invalid, probably immediately, you cannot limit civil rights due to age.

The federal law about selling a handgun under 21 is also going to fall, and its being challenged as well.

The AP called the SCOTUS ruling the "4 thousand pound wrecking ball" is going to destroy all the recent gun control regs, and many others, possibly even the 1934 NFA act, making certain firearms taxable, but not illegal, again, you can't tax someone for wanting to defend themselves how they wish too.

Further, to solve the problem, its not just pass a law, and then stating its all fixed, bullshit, do something that matters, not pass another law that's going to go unenforced by woke prosecutors.