4th grade funny

eyecu2's Avatar
A fourth-grade teacher asked the children what their parents do for a living. All the typical answers came up - mechanic, business, sales, doctor, engineer... and so forth.

However, little Justin was being uncharacteristically quiet, so when the teacher prodded him about his parents, he replied, "My father's an exotic dancer in a gay cabaret and takes off all his clothes to music in front of other men and they put money in his underwear. Sometimes, if the offer is really good, he will go home with some guy and stay with him all night for money."

The teacher, obviously shaken by this statement, hurriedly set the other children to work on some exercises and took little Justin aside."Is that really true about your father?"

"No," the boy said, "He works for the Republican Party and is trying to get Rubio and DeSantis re-elected, but it's too embarrassing to say that in front of the other kids.”
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  • Devo
  • 08-05-2022, 02:14 PM

Not even, bad, just bad.

Take off the last paragraph and you can fill in anything.

How about actually, "My dads a Democrat, and he still supports slavery by keeping black people in the projects where they kill themselves off at a rate far higher than we could hang them".

Is that funny?

No, but its sure as hell closer to the truth..........

What a TOTALLY moronic post!! Yea why would anybody want to actually elect politicians who are SERVING their constituents…. Guess you think Pelosi, Schumer, Waters etc…gove a fuck about their constituents??
pittlicker's Avatar
None of them, Democrats or Republicans, give a fuck about anything other than making money and fame for themselves. The concept of serving their constituents is failing on both sides.
None of them, Democrats or Republicans, give a fuck about anything other than making money and fame for themselves. The concept of serving their constituents is failing on both sides. Originally Posted by pittlicker

Exactly. Its like asking "Do you want Shot or Stabbed?" Either one is gonna suck. Be painful. And cause pain for years to come.
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  • Devo
  • 08-05-2022, 06:35 PM
None of them, Democrats or Republicans, give a fuck about anything other than making money and fame for themselves. The concept of serving their constituents is failing on both sides. Originally Posted by pittlicker
And again, why I registered as a Libertarian.

I have a party, I'm not independent, but I'm not an R or D.
And again, why I registered as a Libertarian.

I have a party, I'm not independent, but I'm not an R or D. Originally Posted by Devo
Good for you! now, try voting for a libertarian who actually gives a shit about 'you' (the constituent) and will get things done that help make your life better.
Ron desantis is a hero. It’s hilarious how the Dems act like he is evil for calling out their ridiculous behavior. Also that joke was absurdly distasteful coming from a liberal. You’re supposed to embrace lgbtq activities, why would it be embarrassing to dance at a lgbtq establishment in front of gay men? Are you one of the many fake liberals who pretend to be woke but insult gay men behind their backs?
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 08-06-2022, 12:24 PM
Good for you! now, try voting for a libertarian who actually gives a shit about 'you' (the constituent) and will get things done that help make your life better. Originally Posted by yinzerpgh
Not my point, I have left both parties as a protest.

What are you registered as a D????
eyecu2's Avatar
I'm registered as R, but won't vote that way until the party comes back to a less insane stance. I think there are many core values that the Rs in Congress are just missing. I don't think any politics needs to be in the decision of healthcare decisions of morality, or religion. Quite specially, once the evangelical influence of proprietary of morals entered the fray, I stopped voting for Republicans...and what remains is a group of fucking hypocrites who are completely unethical and want the rest of the country to be. Sorely lacking in any sense of character.
eyecu2's Avatar
Ron desantis is a hero. It’s hilarious how the Dems act like he is evil for calling out their ridiculous behavior. Also that joke was absurdly distasteful coming from a liberal. You’re supposed to embrace lgbtq activities, why would it be embarrassing to dance at a lgbtq establishment in front of gay men? Are you one of the many fake liberals who pretend to be woke but insult gay men behind their backs? Originally Posted by Loretta77

Loretta- sometimes a joke is just a joke. Sorry it upset you. Perhaps you're a little emotional this time of the month along with the other 3 ppl who were in unison -clutching their pearls at your retort.

Again- Super sorry
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  • Devo
  • 08-06-2022, 07:20 PM
Loretta- sometimes a joke is just a joke. Sorry it upset you. Perhaps you're a little emotional this time of the month along with the other 3 ppl who were in unison -clutching their pearls at your retort.

Again- Super sorry Originally Posted by eyecu2
Really, down to menstrual jokes, can't form an argument?

Just blame her for being on the rag, really classy.
@Eyecu2 thank you for not assuming just because I am a man that I cannot get a period. Being a woman has nothing to do with biology, it’s all about self identity. Maybe your joke was appropriate. We should teach children under the 3rd grade age that men can get pregnant. That is important… Shame on Ron Desantis for not allowing gender ideology and sexual orientation to be topics in kindergarten.
... Go on with ya, mates. ... It's A JOKE.
A shitty one - but EyeCU said it was a joke.
No harm done.

... It's just a joke... Kinda-like the FACT that
Joe Biden is a JOKE of a President. ...

Now.. now... Just a joke...

#### Salty