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Sydney Pure's Avatar

Okay let me get some things off my chest....hmmmm..

since we all like DRAMA so much...and to be honest I hate drama thats why I don't comment on this board alot but somethings are really started bothering me and instead of being a total "B" I'll put it lightly and not call anyone out by names....

In times like these things aren't "perfect"

The hobby is different for me personally I'm 100000000% more CAUTIOUS!!

Personally I find it INSULTING to hear about what so so does for me SO YOU should do the same!!! B.S.
I make ME.................. AND MAKE MANY PEOPLE HAPPY BEING ME!!

So with this said ............PARTY ON PEOPLE....

ALSO THINKING OF NEW POLICY FOR ALL NEWBIES............let me know what you think
Since you get to see our wonderful pictures ...I'm requesting all newbies photo and they will be meet "my standards for further action".............LOL...
Magnus's Avatar
I know this is directed at a specific few that have acted like jerks (I certainly hope I am not one to get on your bad list. Although wouldn't mind being on your "naughty boy" list...hehe).

I also can attest from our recent encounter you are looking as scrumptious as ever! Therefore if your joke ever became true policy I am sooo glad I am grandfathered in...or I never would have gotten passed the photo screening...haha.

I can certainly agree with you making people happy. Me for one! Keep being the positive little bundle of joy you are babe!

Sydney Pure's Avatar
I tried Mag....But you added toooo much
Spark to my day and I went and Did it...

Now I'm going for therapy at the MALL!!
Magnus's Avatar
I know this is directed at a specific few that have acted like jerks (I certainly hope I am not one to get on your bad list. Although wouldn't mind being on your "naughty boy" list...hehe).

I also can attest from our recent encounter you are looking as scrumptious as ever! Therefore if your joke ever became true policy I am sooo glad I am grandfathered in...or I never would have gotten passed the photo screening...haha.

I can certainly agree with you making people happy. Me for one! Keep being the positive little bundle of joy you are babe!

jon5150's Avatar
I agree Mag! I'm thank god I finally got off my lazy ass and spent time with her! I can't wait to play with her again!!
Magnus's Avatar
Fuck I am glad I gave you a spark...I on the otherhand. feel like gelatin. Totally shot and unable to focus and the mall is the last kind of therapy this guy needs. Maybe just sit still and smile contently like some crazy person.
In times like these things aren't "perfect"

The hobby is different for me personally I'm 100000000% more CAUTIOUS!!

ALSO THINKING OF NEW POLICY FOR ALL NEWBIES............let me know what you think
Since you get to see our wonderful pictures ...I'm requesting all newbies photo and they will be meet "my standards for further action".............LOL... Originally Posted by Sydney Pure
  1. With comments like these from a well-respected provider, I think I'll continue my hiatus from the hobby for a while. Not something I wanted to do, but necessary under the circumstances. Can't afford to get nabbed.
  2. Sorry, Sydney, but my picture looks remarkably like Ben Franklin. I'll give you three to put together so you'll have a 3 dimensional look-alike.
Attachment 4091Attachment 4091Attachment 4091
Magnus's Avatar
Holy shit!! Charlestudor and I are twins!

Good one.

Must add own humble accolade to those of more praiseworthy gentlemen who have previously spoken. If dusted for prints would possibly find my own from previous investigation. Personal recollection of that most satisfactory encounter leave confused investigator without clue as to why anyone would find tender offices of lady less than spectacular. Would be most pleased to furnish photograph, but am afraid appearance has not improved. Image of Pure One in mind however continues to excite and delight with many tender feelings. Please do not allow ill chosen words of harsh nature to deter course of bringing joy to lowly clients. Ancient Chinese Proverb say: "F&&ck Em if they don't get it."
MacTheKnife's Avatar
In times like these things aren't "perfect"

ALSO THINKING OF NEW POLICY FOR ALL NEWBIES............let me know what you think Since you get to see our wonderful pictures ...I'm requesting all newbies photo and they will be meet "my standards for further action".............LOL... Originally Posted by Sydney Pure
I am so glad you said, "things aren't perfect." I have enclosed my pic below. I apologize for the way my ears look. My ears were normal before I started hobbying. The providers started to pull on them and holding me down. know.

I have heard from other providers that guys also send them pictures of their cock. I have also enclosed a pic of mine. I hope mine is not too large for ya. That's a pic of me also before the providers started pulling and holding me down......well you know.

PS Sorry about the trouble you are having from our fellow hobbyists. I can only hope I have met your "standards for further action."
Sydney Pure's Avatar

your "cock" pic does it for me !!!

You have met my qualifications!!!
Sydney Pure's Avatar
Mr.Chan!....I love it F&ck em...but you GOT it...?!?!?!?!?

Btw Charles if Mag is your twin Your definatly In...Cum on out and Join the Party!!
Mr.Chan!....I love it F&ck em...but you GOT it...?!?!?!?!?

Btw Charles if Mag is your twin Your definatly In...Cum on out and Join the Party!! Originally Posted by Sydney Pure
Oriental heritage renders me too inscrutable for direct reply, but F$$king A I got it!!!!!

"while there's music and moonlight and love and romance, let's face the music and dance!"
Btw Charles if Mag is your twin Your definatly In...Cum on out and Join the Party!! Originally Posted by Sydney Pure
Sorry, Sydney, but if there were two as old, fat & ugly as I am, there would have been a break in the space-time continuum, and everyone would be walking around dazed.
No problem,I am thinking of my own website with some action shots..Until then my avator will have to do. Could you be a little more specific on what you want me to take a picture of , be careful , I don't have telephoto lens , so zoom in big time will have to do....Miss ya