Things are catching, if you catch my drift.

10 years hitting the amps and studios and got a test that came back positive for something curable. Second time. A couple of the larger more well know places.

If you been doing BBFS lately might want to pm me, as I know the rules here won’t let me specify who in an open forum
Your inbox is full.. I couldnt PM you
I just deleted a bunch try again
If you’re out there slamming hookers without protection that seems like a great way to contract something. Appreciate you trying to let others know.
If you're doing anything uncovered, including BBBJ, getting an infection is a matter of when, not if.
Everyone who is doing BBFS goes to the next spa, then the next spa, then the next spa.

Providing one name is not significant.

Ever heard of the 6 degrees of Taylor Swift. I’ll leave a link.

Point being, and chances are, it’s already been spread and if you partake in BBFS stop and get checked.
TheTopG655's Avatar
Thank you for spreading awareness, everyone be safe out there
My buddy said he only goes bare at sub-amp spots, the amp’s produce too much traffic everyday to be playing russian roulette he said
TexomaCowboy's Avatar
Originally Posted by Sergio68 reason to violate rules and get Violation Points. He was good about letting us know, and will gladly provide the useful info via PM.

Maybe you haven't been hit with lots of points by the Mods like many others of us have, but things have sure toned down around here. And SeekingSurfer is doing the right thing.

Questions for Staff would be a good place to ask for or suggest any rule changes or improvements in this particular case.
My buddy said he only goes bare at sub-amp spots, the amp’s produce too much traffic everyday to be playing russian roulette he said Originally Posted by Sergio68
Dumbest logic ever
TexomaCowboy's Avatar
Dumbest logic ever Originally Posted by Troothsayer
I am not Sergio's buddy, but I am fully aware of what his buddy is talking about.
Amp lady goes bare with 10 guys everyday. Sub-amp lady is bare maybe once a day with a well-established generous regular client.
Driving country roads have far fewer accidents than in the city, because there's 10 times fewer cars.
I drive country roads.
I visit sub-amp ladies.
The logic is apparent to me.
Exactly Cowboy, At least somebody get’s it lol..
But i sent a PM with no response can anybody send the place he got burned at in my pm’s , i’ll like to let my buddy know what places or ladies to avoid completely
I’ve responded to everyone so far. I caught mono in 2016, from a provider who is still here at an amp and active. I got Gono in 2020, and now another std in 2023. I probably average 4 - 6 visits a month to amps and studios for the last 10 years. Not all BBFS either. So that’s the batting average. Wonder when I’ll catch something non-curable.