China Spa - Richardson - SubAmp - L0 only

PSA: The China Spa on Spring Valley/Greenville that used to be Sunny is an entirely new legit joint.

I got their newest employee, and it's strictly L0, and was not even really a good massage. They must be getting a lot of people expecting the old service, as their signs up everywhere about sexual misconduct, etc.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Thanks for the info. I guess if I walked in and asked ''can I lick the glaze off your Orange Chicken'', they would show me the door?
TexomaCowboy's Avatar
''can I lick the glaze off your Orange Chicken''
Now that's a great pickup line...think I'll try that at 99 Ranch tomorrow.

Hopefully, she doesn't have a "chicken", but I still want the glaze.