Moral Deficiency??

SexiKenni's Avatar
Well, I've been on hiatus off and on for the past 18 months or so. In that time I have had a baby girl. I've also done a lo of back and forth on whether or not I will hobby again. My family has supported me thru this transition. But yesterday my aunt saw that I wa ocruising this site and deciced to confront me about it. She said that the hobby is sick and that I am sick for even considering it. Needless to say my feeling were hurt and once the comment had a chance to sink in I became pissed!!

I've come to the conclusion that everybody is not cut from the same thread. I love the hobby and will be back soon with a vengence!!
I just had to vent a little. Tired of being broke trying to "live right". I was a million times happier when I was working...
Iaintliein's Avatar
"Sickness" is a very relative term. People use it often to describe what they don't understand or can not force themselves to think objectively about. I'm sure she loves you, she simply doesn't know.

Be patient with the ones who love you, be careful as you go back to work, and always be true to yourself.

Best Regards,
SexiKenni's Avatar
Thank You. I've been struggling to come to terms with what being true to myself means but to be perfectly honest I was happy before and just want that same peace of mind back
But yesterday my aunt saw that I wa ocruising this site and deciced to confront me about it. She said that the hobby is sick and that I am sick for even considering it.
Aunt on phone with friend: My niece is a skanky ho, but that's a smooth Lexus she's driving.
Hang in there, do what makes you happy, baby. Your aunt is probably a Republican.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Hang in there, do what makes you happy, baby. Your aunt is probably a Republican. Originally Posted by Prolongus
There are quite a few conservatives on this board and they all see providers. If they held a strict neo-conservative line they would dissavow any knowledge of their conservative ways.

Your argument holds no weight.
In6ub9's Avatar

Wrong! If they were republican.. They would be surfing the gay escort site while they vote against gay marriage.

Or on the phone with their wives while receiving meth and a back rub by a gay escort...

Or on the phone with their gay escort while tapping a foot under a stall at the airport.
TheBizzer's Avatar
How about we don't turn this girl's open hearted soul searching thread into a useless political debate? Think we can do that?
regreq's Avatar
In the most general sense, your aunt was right. Hobbying is "sick". But then most human behaviour in modern society is "sick". Certainly rampant materialism is "sick". Hoarding of wealth while others go hungry is "sick". Trying to create needs where none exist (advertising) is "sick". Standing in line for hours in front of Best Buy on black Friday is not exactly "healthy". Eating one's self to morbid obesity is "sick" (and very disgusting, frankly).

A little perspective : The world is full of "sickness". We don't live in a utopia. We are born, live briefly, and die on a ball of mud, which is one giant petrie dish Not one of us gets off this ball of mud alive. No one.

Don't let aunty ruffle your feathers. She is sick too, in one way or the other. So am I. So is everyone we know. We humans all are. Whether sick in body, mind, or spirit.

So worrying about a harmless, "sickness" in which a small amount of green paper is exchanged for a small period of simple animal bliss and a moment of intimacy and happiness is among the more harmless sicknesses out there.

I just recommend you be more circumspect in letting family/friends see the websites you are browsing. Really, its none of their business, but if you put it out there, their human curiousity will naturally want to see what you are up to. Just expect it.

Cheer up. Gloom never was in style. Smile, smile, smile.
I hate myself for being in the hobby. I was sxe (straight edge, i.e., don't drink, smoke, use drugs or fuck or you're strictly monogamous) from the age of 14 until I was 30. Yeah, that's a long time and I'm proud to say I still haven't done drugs in my life. I tried going back to being sxe and failed miserably - alcohol and promiscuity (the hobby) won the battle. I still teeter back and forth with it. The sxe tattoo on my right arm is a constant reminder of my failure.

Oh, shit...! Look at the time. I gotta jet and wash my ball sack. My 11 AM appt will be here soon. Look...! A unicorn!
Honey do not feel bad, even if you would have won the lottery, your family would still have something negative to say. Your family is just that, your family, not you. Do you, and take care of you. Sucks that family is so judgmental. Please don't let them kill your spirit.

Yes we do is well not the best thing to do, however we don't know what our families did back in the day, and haven't told us.

If the situation was reverse, they would debate doing the same if the opportunity presented itself.

Well, I've been on hiatus off and on for the past 18 months or so. In that time I have had a baby girl. I've also done a lo of back and forth on whether or not I will hobby again. My family has supported me thru this transition. But yesterday my aunt saw that I wa ocruising this site and deciced to confront me about it. She said that the hobby is sick and that I am sick for even considering it. Needless to say my feeling were hurt and once the comment had a chance to sink in I became pissed!!

I've come to the conclusion that everybody is not cut from the same thread. I love the hobby and will be back soon with a vengence!!
I just had to vent a little. Tired of being broke trying to "live right". I was a million times happier when I was working... Originally Posted by SexiKenni

That is so funny, don't forget the neice is a skanky ho who drives a smooth Lexus and they need a ride to the store, or something in the smooth Lexus.

Aunt on phone with friend: My niece is a skanky ho, but that's a smooth Lexus she's driving. Originally Posted by Bad Ass
Obviously, your going to get a one sided viewpoint in terms of responses here. What "feels good" is not always the right thing to do, nor is what is easy, convenient, etc..
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 11-28-2010, 10:12 AM
Just my 2 cents here. But do what you like to do.If you get up in the morning and like what you do, so be it. Everything else is an opinion.
TinMan's Avatar
I am more in the Neotek camp. I may be able to compartmentalize better than most, as I don't hate myself for being in the hobby. However, I'd advise anyone who asked, be they male or female, to avoid it if at all possible. Too many risks/costs - physical, monetary, emotional - to call it a healthy activity.

To the OP, I hope you find the right answer for you. I'm not in your shoes, so I can't begin to say if your decision is the right one.
I think we all struggle with moral issues from time to time. Especially those of us who grew up in the church. But what I have learned after some time is that you will give yourself a heart attack trying to live up to others' expectations of you, and expecting ANYTHING from others. I have developed, to my mother's dismay, a more humanist live and let live approach to life. This thinking allows me to live for myself, without regard for what others think, and I am much more happier.

But on the flip side, my life is also filled with normalcy: I have a civvie job, and my daughter (congrats on the new baby, BTW) gets to see me off to work. I do this as I feel, and never let it get in the way of all the practices, games or recitals. I don't know if you're a first time mom, but even if you're not, what I would recommend is taking any steps that you need to e.g. going back to school, starting a business, or whatever to get some normalcy in your life before your baby gets too old. It looks like regardless of their opinions, you have a great support system in your family. Utilize them as you need to (or can), and do what you have to for your new snuggle bunni.

All the best to you!