Houston...We Have a Problem

Its seems that I pulled a really stupid move yesterday! Thinking with my little head and not my big head.

Fast forward. Payed for a hotel via Priceline and when checking in used my debit card linked to my significant others account. They have now placed a $50 hold for incidentals and will credit it back in a few days.

How do I explain this $50 charge without getting myself into hot water?
Surge's Avatar
  • Surge
  • 01-13-2011, 07:59 AM
I accidently did that too...it was before i had a hobby CC.

I was in vegas and it was a $100 deposit...i ended up coming up with a lame lie that a telemarketer wanted to sell me a time share in vegas casinos and they just sent the charge in...luckily i was able to the deposit come back and I had told the SO i was in ATL those days...

Oh well, she never brought it up...but i went and got me a Hobby CC after that...

good luck
This will be the first and last time!

I don't live in Dallas, but was up for the day on business. I'm thinking that I might be able to pull off someone stole the numbers from my card. Then she will see the $50 credit back into the account in the next few days.

Question is whether I report the card stolen? She looks at the bank account on about a daily basis so this will come up here very soon.
mmcqtx's Avatar
Easy fix, you got the room as a back up in case you could not wrap up business in one day. You knew you would not be charged, just wanted to be prepared. MAybe boss/associate warned you that this trip would be complicated.
TheBizzer's Avatar
Did the hotel have a bar or restaurant? You could say they accidentally ran your card on somebody else's tab, in which case the charge would pend but never post. If she asks where the correct bill was, say you became suspicious after the first improper charge and paid cash.

Of course, this assumes you can explain being in a hotel bar or restaurant in the first place.
Tell her that since she won't do anal, you had to hook up with a prostitute that does it.
I was just up for the day, never intended on staying the night. Never should have been there in the first place!
I bank with a local bank. I'm thinking about calling my contact up there and see if there is a way on there side to delete the charge?
pmdelites's Avatar
lesson: cash or traveller's checks or non-traceable credit or debit card. or dont attempt it at all.

risk identification, reduction, mitigation, and/or avoidance is the key.
I absolutely agree on your statement. It just happens that I pulled out my debit card and not a credit card when they held the deposit for incidentals. Since I did this is why I see the charge on my statement.
CenterLock's Avatar
Okay... so let me get this straight (not doubting the shit you could be in, but you may have a bigger problem):

You're somewhere you aren't supposed to be without a "reason" ready?
You get a room with a card linked - not just known about, but linked - to your SO's acct?
You are wondering now how to cover?

Man - I think you're little head is a damned vampire. Sounds like it's been sucking blood from the big head for a while.

That said...

If the whole "anal" thing doesn't work (nice, stevie), go for "noticed it, disputed the charge, they'll be taking it off" thing. I've had my bank info stolen and used throughout So Tx from wal-mart to victoria's secret. It happens.

Question is.... You start off with "hold" and the last post says "charge". If it's "charge", I'd fall back to stevie's suggestion. Hold has many explanations.

Bon chance, man. And have holy water ready for that little guy next time.
If there was no signature and SO didnt know you were in D and you can come up with an alibi, I'd say I dont know where the hell they got my CC#. Their mistake. Thats my story and I'm sticking to it.
IF the question ever arises, I would just say that it must be in error and that you will call and dispute the charge. Mistakes happen...
TheBizzer's Avatar
Just tell her, "Honey, do you really think I'd be so stupid as to use our shared debit card at a hotel in Dallas to cheat on you? I mean, I've done done boneheaded things before, but nobody is THAT stupid!!!"

Just playing with you, hope it works out.
GOOD ONE Bizzer!