Penis Pumps

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Yesterday a client came over and it's someone that I've seen a bunch of times. But I hadn't seen him in awhile.

I looked at him and just asked him why did his cock LOOK so different? And he told me that because of some back pain that he was using a penis pump to help him along for awhile.

It seems to work, I guess. But his cock was much thicker and well, looked a little puffy (jokes are welcomed at this point!). Have any of you guys used one of these? Any ladies familiar with them?

I've always thought of penis pumps as being something along the lines of being a gag gift (think Austin Powers). I didn't know that men were actually using them and liking the results.

Thoughts? It seems just a little dangerous to me.

bigtxhorseman's Avatar
Damn sure don't want to be an over achiever while using that thing....
OldGrump's Avatar
They have a legitimate use of treating ED without drugs or injections. I find the erection they produce feels a bit odd and the band used to hold the blood in the penis is uncomfortable. To me, they are better than nothing - but barely. If it was my only choice, more often than not, I'd skip sex & just cuddle.

Obviously, my opinion isn't unanimous or they wouldn't have survived so long. Many insurance policies even pay for them when prescribed by a doctor. One advantage is, contrary to pills, the insurance companies don't limit how often you can use them.
dollar14's Avatar
I played with one years ago and when I pumped it or "vacuumed"it up my dick stuck to the sides of the clear cylinder and the rubber hole on the end where I put my dick thru acted like a cock ring and wouldnt let me go down,kinda scary for a minuet!so I took off the cap ring later and just sealed the cylinder to my body around my dick.after about 24 hours it was back to my normal size.never played with it again so I think results are only has a video called penis pump challenge...check it out.
Rcoop361's Avatar
They have a legitimate use of treating ED without drugs or injections. I find the erection they produce feels a bit odd and the band used to hold the blood in the penis is uncomfortable. To me, they are better than nothing - but barely. If it was my only choice, more often than not, I'd skip sex & just cuddle.

Obviously, my opinion isn't unanimous or they wouldn't have survived so long. Many insurance policies even pay for them when prescribed by a doctor. One advantage is, contrary to pills, the insurance companies don't limit how often you can use them. Originally Posted by OldGrump
Exactly!!! The heart meds I take are derived from the Blue Pill, so the pills are out, and I was prescribed both the injections & the pump, sticking a needle in Jr prior to BCD didn't seem to be something that would enhance BCD (not to mention $45.00 per shot), so scratch that one. Now with the pump the first few times it was awkward and uncomfortable, but once finding the right rings to use, it became so much less uncomfortable, that the pleasures completely over-ride the uncomfortableness. And the rings assist in the act of prolonging the pop, as most would try to do to enjoy as much as possible (normally by thinking of non-BCD activities, such as b-ball etc..)
have heard that they increase girth over time if used regularly in non ED cases..
don't know if its true.
pyramider's Avatar
TSA confiscated mine. But I still have my knife.
Lana Warren's Avatar
TSA confiscated mine. But I still have my knife. Originally Posted by pyramider
Gotta love a smart ass!
got mine at a TSA auction
got mine at a TSA auction Originally Posted by daveindallas
You boiled it first, right? I mean, I've *read* about pyramider .

Mostly on the walls of the Men's Room at Love Field.