Anyone Hit for the Cycle?

morefunat38's Avatar
You know.. A Blonde, Brunette, and a Redhead all in the same day.
Sasquatch's Avatar
Would a busty Southern Blonde, a petite Korean and a tall AA model count as a cycle? Been there, done that.

Just a different ballpark.
Chances are, if you start with the redhead, it ain't gonna happen.
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I did 3 in one day last summer! 1st was a provider she was fun but, I left still excited. I went to a strip club and had fun with a dancer. Then after that I finished my day at an AMP. I was TIRED when she was done with me. lol
Been there done that before, can't waste that many "swimmers" these days so one is all I need.
I wanna play, I wanna play, I wanna play!

Oh wait,,,,,,,, I guess number of different clients in one day would be a completely different thread.

Did 3 strippers at BDD. 2 BJ and a CFS in one day there. Thank goodness for modern chemstiry
dogsmack's Avatar
Damn Bubba, that's a righteous day at the club.
GDLMAN's Avatar
I had five at once at a club in Brazil. Amazing night. All Brunettes and one redhead.
Got 2 of them done but the wife refused to stick the lil red iwg on her business when I was ready to finish the cycle. Go figure!
Yes, several times. FKK clubs in Germany.
Damn must take EXTRA STRENGTH VIAGRA!!!!
John4:20's Avatar
Does one lady w/2 wigs count...oh yea and an organ wait that was a different cycle!
Damn Bubba, that's a righteous day at the club. Originally Posted by dogsmack
Was one trip to BDD w my girl friend of the time. She liked the dancers as much as I do.

We picked out a couple of girls, bought a bottle, then went to VIP. My dancer was someone I knew so first thing she did was turn the chair a little, cover me up and fucked me as soon as we sat down while my GF and the other dancer were chatting away right next to us but did not notice a thing. Then the 4 of us played for a while. Which inclded a BJ while the GF and the other dancer watched.

I went to the bathroom to clean up. When I get back, they have my GFs top off, both are sucking a nipple and one has her hand in my GFs pants. When they got done with her, my GF handed a condom to one of the dancers and pushed her over to me to get some FS.

Man, I do miss that girl sometimes.
easily_amused's Avatar
LOL When I saw "Hit the Cycle" in the title and a post from SP Hunter, my first thought was that this thread was going a WHOLE different direction as well

Sorry for the oblique reference... some things just scar me for life.
Carry on.