The Client List.....Jennifer Love Hewitt movie

I keep seeing ads for a tv movie starring Jennifer Love Hewitt, called the client list, where she is an escort. These kind of movies probably make for high ratings for the tv network, which is Lifetime. Lifetime is a network primarily aimed at a female audience. And since most women think being an escort is something bad, I wonder why it gets such high ratings?

It makes me wonder if deep down a lot of these women have a fantasy about being an escort themselves, but would never admit it.

So, here's my question to the Ladies: Before you became a provider, was the idea of being an escort a fantasy?

And my question for the guys, oh hell, nevermind, my guess is all of us would be lined up to be on Jennifer Love Hewitts client list. But I wonder what kind of reviews she would get......
Hmmmmm...that reminds me of the Demi Moore movie "Striptease" which really sucked (and she didn't, which made the movie a total loss for me!).
This movie will do well because in the story line, the girl ends up on drugs, blah blah blah. I refuse to watch it because of that very fact. In my opinion, if you have to depend on chemicals to get through your day, you are in the wrong profession.
I have been counting down the days to watch this movie, it looks great.
Hawkeye9's Avatar
I remember seeing one of those Lifetime movies or something like that and the escort ended up knocking on hers Dads hotel room. So the rest of the movie was about her outing her dad and him outing her!! lol
To this day not too sure wtf I was doing watching lifetime!!
Hate to admit that I know this, but the movie Hawkeye9 is refering to is "The Ultimate Lie". The call girl who is dispatched to her father's hotel room is Kristin Davis (Charlotte from Sex in the City). Smoking.

Also I watched the "Client List" last night on LifeTime. I dvr'd through most of it but was curious to see their take on the hobby. It was pretty realistic. Reminded me of a couple of past popular studios in Dallas. Coincidently the film was based in Dallas.

Spoiler alert:

Jennifer Love Hewitt doesn't get naked. So I don't recommend it.
Hawkeye9's Avatar
[quote=Sleepy69;439960]Hate to admit that I know this, but the movie Hawkeye9 is refering to is "The Ultimate Lie". The call girl who is dispatched to her father's hotel room is Kristin Davis (Charlotte from Sex in the City). Smoking.

+OMG!! LOL!!
Great lifetime movie.
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 07-21-2010, 12:20 PM
Huh, going to have to check this out.

A few years ago, there was a massage parlor in Odessa that was supposedly ran by an ex prom queen/cheerleader from a small town east of us, that got busted for selling happy endings and several other things along with massages.
(Heard that LE knew about them and never did anything until they started selling drugs within 1000' of a school, don't know for sure though...)
Anyhow, they apparently kept records of all their clients and when they were busted it turned into a huge mess with all the clients eventually being listed in the newspapers. Caused a lot of shit in town to say the least.

I'd heard at that time the JLH had bought the "rights" for a movie about it, but never heard anything else.
Does this sound familiar to anyone who saw the show?
dodger's Avatar
In my opinion, if you have to depend on chemicals to get through your day, you are in the wrong profession. Originally Posted by DecemberLove
Begging the question, which profession do you see as the correct profession for the chemically dependent? Just saying ...


PS ... I would consider booking JLH ... bodacious ta taas
Begging the question, which profession do you see as the correct profession for the chemically dependent? Just saying ...


PS ... I would consider booking JLH ... bodacious ta taas Originally Posted by dodger
Its more of a declaration of how tired I am of how this profession is portrayed. In most movies, we end up on drugs (or in some cases, start out on drugs and go to this to pay for a habit). There are plenty of ladies on this board who do not indulge in any form of illegal substance. But the media loves to make all "hookers" out to be drug abusing, pimp/agent controlled, hollow shells of their former selves. It gets old.
I loved that movie, very good actress she was.
I didn't watch the movie...I'll rather watch JLH in "I know what you did last summer". At least we get to see her boobs moving as she is running.

All providers do not do drugs. Or keep a damn client list. Some us live boring uneventful lives, but I guess that would not have made for a good movie.