Walking away from the hobby

It's been fun, but all things come to an end! I have gotten very close to some providers, well one really and am thankful for the relationships gained. I am 32, never been married and no kids. Time for me to stop playing, hold out for a relationship and save some money. We all are in different situations and outlooks, of which I respect all. I just know that for my situation it's time to say goodbye. Thanks to everyone here.

daty/o's Avatar
Good luck to you, sir.
Best of luck to you. Sometimes you'll find love when you least expect it. Take good care of yourself.
You might regret it but if you don't go for it you will regret it forever.
LazurusLong's Avatar
Don't walk.


Good luck!
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Just leave me the chick in your avatar. Seriously, bon chance!
Sure hope you find better things to spend your cash on. Good luck and enjoy your retirement.
roadfun's Avatar
I find being a father a really awesome experience and one worth making serious sacrifices for.
DallasRain's Avatar
good luck babe!!Have fun!!
fun.time.hobbyist's Avatar
Good luck
Red Tex's Avatar
I wish I could join you!
berkleigh's Avatar
Hell, I will NEVER leave this place! But good luck babe and wish you the best! I wish I could go back to that Life.......
Take care, and hope you have a wonderfull time in the real world.
Bobster36's Avatar