So this is what happens when you see jerks!!

Consensual sex can turn into something much worse if the woman says stop or no; namely rape. I'd be interested in his side of the story if there is one since the posted review was awfully light on information. However, if what you say is true (I don't know you so I haven't a clue if you're honest, prone to exageration or drama, so don't take it as an accusation it's just a fact) then you should consider making a trip to the local police station and filing a criminal complaint. If this guy refuses to stop when a woman tells him to it's likely you're not his first or last victim. I'm sorry to hear that this happened to you.
Does this guy have a handle here?

Who were his references? Did you check them?

no means no.

You have the right to stop a session anytime.

The guys and gals need to know who he is. We can't completely get rid of predators, but we can certainly distance ourselves, make them feel unwelcome, and warn others if we know who they are.

If he truly raped you then you need to file a report with the police. CPI is right, you can always stop the session (assuming he's not like got a gun/knife or whatever).

You are making a very serious accusation that has repercussions far beyond the board. I understand that sometimes words like "rape" are thrown around based upon hurt feelings and whatnot. PLEASE be aware that things like that make most people stand up and take notice. IF it did happen you have my sympathies, and IF it did not, then its much like the little boy who cried wolf. Once you make it clear that something like this didn't really take place, then it will ALWAYS be used against you. It's one of those things that can't be undone.

Your past reviews speak for themselves. I would not see this as a potential threat to your business because of how so many other hobbyists, with more posts and reviews, have said you were fun to be with. There are a number that spoke quite glowingly of you.

Sadly you are in a business that requires intimate personal interaction. People are usually going to be at their best as well as their worst when it comes to BCD. Unfortunately these things are always he said/she said. I wish you all the best.
daty/o's Avatar
Sorry this happened to you, sweetie, but I'm glad you aren't letting it get the best of you. Just screen carefully.
Sleepy363's Avatar
If you have texts of him threatening to ruin your business, then you need to get in touch with the mods/admins of this board, meet with them, and show them the texts supporting your side. I would think threatening to ruin someone's business here would be a bannable offense if true.

If you were raped as you are suggesting, then you need to file a police report.
LazurusLong's Avatar

She included the link to the review of this session at the top of the first post. So yes, he has a handle here on ECCIE.

If he threatened you, please contact the mods to discuss.

  • T-Can
  • 07-22-2010, 10:50 AM
Shouldn't this thread and his "review" be locked without further discussion until mods/admins get to the bottom of it?
Randall Creed's Avatar
While I'm extremely sorry this happened to you, I'm tired of reading about these NAMELESS (board handle) alerts. Who the hell is the piece of shit bastard that did it? If he has a handle here, it needs to be given up.
I am not going to lock the public thread until the reviewer comments.

I am going to monitor both threads and wait to see if there is any enlightenment...

Rambo - Dude, Chill - She posted a link to the review... His handle is there.

LazurusLong's Avatar

Read post #8, then go read her FIRST post where she includes the link to the review in question.

Reading is fundamental to this site and skimming shit rarely helps.
For the record, I encouraged her to post this, despite her strong reluctance to start drama. She PMed me with her side of the story, which doesn't appear to have changed (though it wasn't a "copy and paste"), so, without further information from the OP, I'm inclined to take her side.

One of the reasons I encouraged her to post this is because he states in the original review that he's leaving town soon. If he did this to Ashden a week before he leaves, what's he going to do a day before he leaves? Without repercussions, this guy may get worse. We, the participants in this hobby, have to help keep everyone safe, since the government has decided to criminalize the oldest profession.

And furthermore, Ashden, I'm always gentle when desired, babe.... We'll meet soon.
Ashden, I'm sorry this happened to you.

Don't worry about his review. It was very vague and when I first read it shook my head thinking something is not right about this guy somehow, someway. I think most mature adult hobbyist take reviews such as this one with a grain or two of salt. I know after reading it that I wasn't ONE BIT less inclined to contact you for BCD fun. So, take a deep breath, let it out and move on knowing that the majority of members on this board will have the common sense to see through the BS and continue to be a fan of Miss Ashden.

I remain a fan. Keep your head up, Sweetie.
Randy4Candy's Avatar

Your feelings and much more are hurt and you are very upset. Even if it comes to light that this wasn't per se' a "classic" rape scenario, it still doesn't do you any good to be objectified or treated like a piece of meat. Face it, some guys get off on being very aggressive and "manly." Unfortunately, I think for your sake it would have been better to have approached these circumstances from that angle rather than by whipping out the "R" word, especially if you are not going to contact the authorities. By not framing this in such an emotionally charged manner you could have given yourself more flexibility and probably kept down the blow back.

But, what's done is done and if you are not going to pursue this further with the authorities all you can do is regroup, give good service and concentrate on being dependable and very low key (except for the torrid sex part!!!).

Personally, I'm not quite sure how I feel about "add on" charges for one or a slate of acts. On one hand, I can see how a provider would think some things could be a la carte, but I generally think that if a provider is willing to do it, then it should be a part of the all inclusive menu of services. Just something for you to think about.

Regardless of how this finally gets resolved, please be careful and do your very, very best to be safe.
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 07-22-2010, 11:22 AM
Without repercussions, this guy may get worse. We, the participants in this hobby, have to help keep everyone safe, since the government has decided to criminalize the oldest profession. Originally Posted by dallasrgb
What repercussions do you suggest if she's not willing to file a police report? If the allegations are true, not much can be done other than a permanent ban.