ThreAD Bitches

To the handful of providers who feel the need to to point out the threads they believe to be the ads of others, ENOUGH!

You make yourselves look petty, and turn off potential clients. Just report it to a mod and let them do their job.

Worst offender, Tara Evans. Since your sig line has all your contact info, phone, e-mail, web site and photos. You are promoting/placeing an ad of yourself every time you post. SO STOP BITCHING ABOUT OTHERS!

Thats all I got, have a great evening.
Is this an ad?
Are you a provider?
Where is your incall?
Surge's Avatar
  • Surge
  • 07-22-2010, 04:35 PM
Is this an ad?
Are you a provider?
Where is your incall? Originally Posted by TexAss


Sorry, but the smartass in me can't leave this one alone.

Sir Vicks, there is no rule that I'm aware of that prohibits a provider (Tara Evans) or a member of this forum from putting links and info or an ad for that matter in their signature.

I, for one, love the links and ads in a signature. When I'm cruising around the forum and stumble upon a post by a provider that intrigues me one way or the other and then see a link to their showcase, p411 account, recent reviews or whatever it just saves me the time I would have spent researching her by clicking on the link. I see it as a positive, not a negative. It doesn't offend me and I'm pretty sure I can say I'm in the majority on the issue.

A signature can tell you a lot about a person.

Notice my signature? Here, I'll break it down for you...
"I love to watch her strut"
What can I say. I love to see a hot woman strut. They all do it to some extent. Those that know HOW to do it make me melt. I also love classic rock music, so stealing a line from Bob Seger is my cute little way of giving a nod to that music genre.
Offers free mustache rides.
I have a thick, bushy mustache. Some girls like that, some girls don't. I also LOVE to eat pussy. Some girls like that, some girls don't. I tend to lean towards those who do so by having this in my signature maybe a provider can pick that up when checking me out on the board.
Former ASPD member.
I was never a very active member there but I did participate under another handle. Just thought it might be interesting to know that though my account here is quite new, I've been around for a while. (After a 2 year absence)
P411 Verified
Yep, I'm verified. No worries girls, I'm real. Pretty simple.

See, you know more about me now just from a little signature at the bottom of every one of my posts.
Just like Tara, without the great tits and ass.
flexywun's Avatar
isn't that part of the reason for this site? so guys can find providers and research them? if they don't post what would be the point here? so what some posts are ads. do or don't read them. i wish more providers posted.
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 07-22-2010, 05:20 PM
...Thats all I got, have a great evening. Originally Posted by Sir Vicks
You ain't got much, but thank you.
This is so funny. You guys totally missed the point of the post. I don't care if a provided has info or links in her sing. line. MY bitch, is the hipocrisy of a provider pointing out the the suppossed ad in another providers thread, while at the same time advertising herself. As in the My phone is fixed thread by Allison Bell.

Guess I'm not making myself clear. Better go find my meds.
Better go find my meds. Originally Posted by Sir Vicks
Now you are starting to make sense.......

(see my sig line for a link to my P411 page, guys!)
I think the seasoned ladies are just getting fed up with the extra ad time the unruly new-bloods are trying to get themselves. Already two free ads a week, and that's not enough? Some of the girls are just tired of losing ground by following the rules. Can't blame anyone. I get tired of it, too. I just haven't reached the end of my fuse yet. :P
DustyHands's Avatar
I think I get your point, and it may be a valid one; but doesn't really bother me, and I don't think Tara is the worst offender.
From elementary school farting ("the smeller's the feller!") to the fundamentalist preacher bashing gays but secretly questioning his sexuality- it's human nature to "protest too much"
Just on the first two pages I've read tonight the same thing has been said about those who protest loudly about the more serious topics of bbfs and screening.

That bothers me, but providers who complain about threADS while yackity-yacking about themselves... Not so much.
You guys totally missed the point of the post.
Uhh, no, I didn't miss the point of your post. Just so we're clear.
cookie man's Avatar
"Unruly new- bloods"...I like it!
If a provider is going to call out another, new-blood or not, then they should not exibit the same behavior themselves. Most times it's a judgement call best made by the highly skilled professional moderators.

Just sayin'

By the way tracibrooks your avatar is killer!
To sir vicks and texas ass everyone has their say on this board. But it always seems that the people who are bitching have never wrote a review and really haven't helped anybody on this board. You guys need to contribute to this board with helpful reviews and stop bitching about stupid things
Int3rested's Avatar
Sexually assertive women on this site! A bit of the think...thank you ladies...
get over it. seems like ur the one starting drama wooooow!!!!

oh yea dannie- mmm mmm mmm gurl i will get u booty lol

oops was that an ad