Thanks for all the fun

yeesh's Avatar
  • yeesh
  • 09-29-2010, 08:38 AM
I am writing this to say thanks to all the ladies I have seen, and to express regret for the ones I didn't.

A few weeks ago I had what the doctors call a TIA or a mild stroke ( it didn't feel mild when it happened!). It came on with no warning- one minute I'm walking along, minding my own business, the next I'm on the ground with a massive ringing in my ears and a blinding headache.

At any rate, for the time being I am housebound and unable to exert myself (you know what I mean) without getting vertigo. And the long-term prognosis doesn't look good as far as that goes. Anyway, I want to say a big thank you to everyone that has kept me entertained (both on-line and in person), and most important, I want to strongly recommend that everyone get their blood pressure and cholesterol checked!

Thanks for all the fun,


I am so sorry to hear about your current predicament and misfortune. I can only wish for you that you become one of those "Beat the odds in spite of prognosis" stories. Normally I would never speak on behalf of anyone else on this board especially considering the current environment.

However, I feel relatively confident in stating that we all wish you a healthy and speedy recovery. Screw the doctors prognosis. Simply follow their advice and get better.
Be safe, be wise, and listen to the damn doctors. Hope to see you back here when all is stablized and under control.
However, I feel relatively confident in stating that on behalf of all of us we wish you a healthy and speedy recovery. Screw the doctors. Originally Posted by Codybeast
Absolutely. Hang in there. Get better. Go over it, go around it, or go through it.
LuvThatKitty's Avatar
Sure hate to hear that man. Take care and get well. Forget the long term prognosis, and beat this thing. Improvise, adapt, and overcome.

1st get better soon, i hope you do.
2nd glad your still with us. i am sure there is a silver lining somewhere in the whole thing going on,
i am not going religious on you, because imo God has nothing to do with religion, but i will say this much if GOD brought you to it. he will surely bring you thru it.

peace and i hope you have some good days ahead

soon to be S.E.B
I'm very sorry to hear that. Relieved you're still with us though. I do wish you a speedy recovery no matter what the prognosis may say. It's happened before. But no matter what take care of yourself!
austinkboy's Avatar
Sorry to hear about your temporary setback. I had similar (not stroke, but blockage in cardiac artery) 9 years ago, ended with quadruple bypass. I quit smoking, eat chicken and green stuff, and limit alcohol to an occasional shot of scotch or glass of wine, PLUS started hobbying as part of rehab. I don't work as hard, and I have been working on my bucket list (mostly gorgeous women right here in Austin).
this could be a wake up call, it was for me. Keep chin up, and mind body and spirit focused and you will pull through.
i'm routing for you, sending out positive vibes... Zzzzzap!
Beat the odds, rewrite the books, we are all on your side. Prayers, praise or simply a place to come for escaping -- were here!
Metal S
levibob56's Avatar
I agree with all that has been said. Hope your nurse is HO,T HOT,HOT. Maybe Stromy Stone!!!!
austinkboy's Avatar
yeah, I was just thinking 'bout that HOT nurse. I think it best not to over exert... Just lay back and request slooooow strokes. Hehe. The reason you are getting vertigo is because all your blood is rushing to the wrong head. Lay off of the blue pill, taking only with Doctor permission and strictly under supervision by a trained Nurse wearing very tight, short uniform.
I agree with all that has been said. Hope your nurse is HO,T HOT,HOT. Maybe Stromy Stone!!!! Originally Posted by levibob56
yeah, I was just thinking 'bout that HOT nurse. I think it best not to over exert... Just lay back and request slooooow strokes. Hehe. The reason you are getting vertigo is because all your blood is rushing to the wrong head. Lay off of the blue pill, taking only with Doctor permission and strictly under supervision by a trained Nurse wearing very tight, short uniform. Originally Posted by austinkboy
All very good AND sound advice, especially the nurse and Stormy recommendations!!
cheater's Avatar
Take care of yr self. We will be here when you get better. We're not going anywhere. Take it one day at a time.
Bobave's Avatar
However, I feel relatively confident in stating that we all wish you a healthy and speedy recovery. Screw the doctors prognosis. Simply follow their advice and get better. Originally Posted by Codybeast
This is one we all can agree on..
PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 09-29-2010, 08:15 PM
Oh no!!

I hope you start feeling better!