Careful what threads you start here. Even the ones that are related to us.

Precious_b's Avatar
Last thread I started on this site was here. I posted it in the vein Coed is directed to be: "Both male and female members can mingle and interact here. Let's keep these discussions on-topic, thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining!"

Got yanked. I have been told (and instructed) by a Mod that a member can post their own Infraction page. So, to be careful, I will just give the highlight to it in Private Tags:

I *never* mentioned what was in the Tags above.
The link I had in that previous thread dealt with a person that, if you've been here long enough, have heard about. I never mentioned that person handle, name that others knew him by, or any threads he contributed.

I post this here just to let others know that the intellectual intercourse that use to be engaged in so freely has had the teeth removed from it.

Our website is slowly and surely getting censored (and in this case at our expense.) *I* feel the subject matter was something that should have been discussed so as we all could learn and benefit from the fruition of the discourse.

Thanks for kicking us into the Dark Ages, Crypt.
Lester Krinklesac's Avatar
What was the thread?
I saw one of someone underage that was removed.
Precious_b's Avatar
What was the thread?
I saw one of someone underage that was removed. Originally Posted by Lester Krinklesac
I saw what you first posted

A trial going on currently. There were 3 links to it (guess from each day of trial.) *Think* I posted link of unidentified witness.

I decided to go back and re-read (did not watch video) and see Prosection doing multiple angle of attack. One of the angles is probably why removed. A shame because the basis of it deals with what people here can run across. Be a great primer to educate us what to look out for and be of help to those that need it.
Ashamanr's Avatar
That subject is openly discussed in the media daily. As long as it’s discussed from a factual basis and without advocating the behavior, I don’t understand why it would be taboo here.
Precious_b's Avatar
Maybe it was asking too much for us to act like adults.
We'd probably treat it like petulant children expecting a gift for the holidays.

So much for high hopes on intellectual discourse.