Weekday party??

I know it's a bit of late notice...but if any providers or hobbyists would like to get together tonight for a cookout/social gathering just to get to know one another and have a little "fun" please let me know. I'm new to the area and would like to meet others that enjoy the same things I do. I will supply the food. There will be drinks...but you can byob or bring a bottle of your choice if alcohol.
You will have to have references to be able to come to this gathering as we all need to stay safe. Thank you and I look forward to meeting you.
Let me know how your gathering works out. I think most of us here like our privacy but can't speak for everyone. Just be sure not to drink and drive...
Doodle23's Avatar
Damn, wish I would have seen this a little sooner, may have considered it. It may be a little bit weird to see my fellow hobbyists, but booze could easily remedy that haha.
sorry I didn't see this I would be there.
Cpalmson's Avatar
It never happened. Cara said there was lack of interest. For these things to work, you really need to plan it out-- weeks in advance.
Maybe if we try for a time like early Sept. it would give folks a chance to plan and give plenty of time to screen certain guys if need be. But I think a M&G could be good for everyone in our area.
Maybe if we try for a time like early Sept. it would give folks a chance to plan and give plenty of time to screen certain guys if need be. But I think a M&G could be good for everyone in our area. Originally Posted by clitlicker7
I agree, a M&G could be very cool.
Cara, if you want to plan one of these, I have done it before in New Orleans and we had a blast. PM me.
SaltyDog71's Avatar
I would be up for a M&G, I work out of town a lot so I would just have to hope it happened while I was here.
I'd be interested in coming. . If better coordinated, I'm in.
What a great idea this sounds like a lot of fun
  • pappi
  • 08-18-2013, 09:29 PM
I'm interested......
Cpalmson's Avatar
If the guys and gals in this area are interested in doing this, you really need to plan it in advance. The key word in doing anything like this is DISCRETION. The other key word is TRUST.

For this to work, you need to probably have someone who is willing to host b/c you can't really do something like this at a public location. Also, the guest list of both guys and gals must be vetted. Anyone not on the confirmed attending list will be allowed to attend. You don't want any "surprises". Finally, there needs to be a firm set of rules when it comes to whether or not activities will be allowed on site or how things like "that" will happen. I know some may consider this a type of swinger's party, but it really isn't. If someone is really interested in organizing this type of event for the area, PM me. I have other useful info.