Looks vs. Talent

Yeah, everyone's perception of beauty is different but how important is it to you to be with a "beautiful" woman? If her bedroom skills are mediocre at best BUT she's a knockout are you OK with that?

How about the woman that's not a knockout (I'm not talking bag over the head or gaps in her yellow-tooth smile so big she can push a raisin thru them) but has incredible sexual prowess? If she can make your toes curl up like no other would you forego the beauty?
Appearances will help get you noticed. Talent keeps guys coming back for more. Get both and your in heaven!!!

The ladies I see on a regular basis are VERY attractive but not the drop dead in your tracks, gone to heaven looks some might be seeking. This is exactly why I book with ladies who are willing to meet me first OTC with no BCD so I have a better chance of deciding if they are ones that I will enjoy being with. Not all ladies are willing to do that and that is fine. I do what I have found will make me happy. I expect the ladies to do the same for themselves. XOXO
mansfield's Avatar
1) Personality
2) "Talent" (whatever that means, varies)
3) Looks

In general of course. I'd have to say for me that Personality is not negotiable. All the beauty in the world can't make a bad personality go away.

And, get all 3 and you've certainly found a wonderful person.
Lana Warren's Avatar
1) Personality
2) "Talent" (whatever that means, varies)
3) Looks

In general of course. I'd have to say for me that Personality is not negotiable. All the beauty in the world can't make a bad personality go away.

And, get all 3 and you've certainly found a wonderful person. Originally Posted by mansfield
Now, that's what I call a, suck up! Mansfield, would you happen to be a politician?
mansfield's Avatar
Now, that's what I call a, suck up! Mansfield, would you happen to be a politician?
No just seen the real world. Look at the Eva Longoria thread... looks alone won't even keep her guy interested. And, if I wanted to be around someone with a bad personality I'd just stay home
berkleigh's Avatar
<---- Have you met me yet?
netman's Avatar
<---- Have you met me yet? Originally Posted by berkleigh
No, but I would like to.

Afterall isn't that why guys tend to stray from partners, lovers, wifes, girlfriends, etc. because he's not getting what he want at home. So you tell me, is it the looks over talent or vice-versa?
TexTushHog's Avatar
Beauty and a brain are good. Now when I say something dumb I cant blame it on the blond anymore
My order of your selected attributes:
(1) Looks
(2) BCD Skills

My order of my selected attributes:
(1) Looks
(2) Acting ability
(3) Personality
(4) BCD Skills
If it is all looks, why do BBWs do so well here, hey some are the most beautiful women here. The departed Sexy Serenity comes to mind, but I think you get it, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I read a thread that said a certain provider was plain, damn I think she is a knock out, strawberry blond, tall, great body. mature (no one younger than my daughter, please).

So Mates if it is in the eye of the beholder then what is IT? IT is hard to define, Dannie has IT....in spades, Jacxx has IT...stand next to her at a social and you will feel her body heat. Lindsey Lacy has it...for those of us who like an occasional walk on the wild side.

Then there is Fawn, the combo platter ...she has it, she is smart, funny and nice. Chuck in Lana Warren here.

Damn no wonder I went chapter 7
3...Great kisser
4...The rest will take care of itself!
I will echo the personality factor as being number 1. If I'm going to spend intimate time with a woman I want to like her not just lust after her.

Of course there are a lot of ladies where you can do both, then you get to spend a little time in heaven.

Talent is not one of those cut-and-dried issues. WALDT and that goes for judging talent. Does everyone kiss the same? Touch the same, like the same positions? Of course not. I'm sure that there is some level of physicality that would be independent of personality but it's not completely independent.

Looks are important but lowest on my list. I do have to be physically attracted but some women's personalities can make her seem so hot whereas if you just saw her on the street you might not look twice.

It's why I love reading the ladies posts, it gives you insight into how you will fit with her should you see her.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
+1 Passion. My only change would be to replace smile with attitude, but then smile is the outward manifestation of attitude anyway. And Jack is right about BBW. Elisabeth Whispers is one of the sexiest ladies on this board; at least, that I've seen.