Have you heard it all? .. tounge and cheek look at ....

excuses given on why an appointment will not be kept...

1. my family shows up unannounced: I have never met anyone in the real world whos family just shows up from out of town without calling. ?? really your mom drove in from Dallas and 8pm??

2. car issues: I swear one day I am going make a million repairing Provider and hobbyist cars. this one i tend to believe. I have seen some Providers cars before.. haha!!

3. sick kids: again going to make a million hiring Nurse day care

4. I overslept, get an alarm!! wake up call service for non hotels

5. time of the month, sure fire way to make a guy go away

6. Got you confused with another client and or time of appoinment: will rent you the Home Stenographer from the Dave Chappelle show


please feel free to add your own scenario..guy or girls..
04scooter's Avatar
I had phone problems. Cmon really had cell phone for 20 years and never had a issue.
missi hart's Avatar
"my smart phone only has a 5th grade education"
good one Missi!
I saw on one thread before "my dog ran away" and I swear that was me! Lol!

Seriously, when my dog ran away I cried so much I looked like I'd been hit in both eyes! How sexy would it have been...enthusiastic bbbj with lots of eye contact! Haha!
Maxeen I have never heard that one, I would let you slide on that.. I love dogs and I know how painful it is to lose one...
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 11-28-2011, 04:45 PM
Heck, I wouldn't have let it slide, I love the watering eye'd, running mascara BBJ's!

(JK, gotta have a little humor!)
InU's Avatar
  • InU
  • 11-28-2011, 07:31 PM
You just got cock-blocked!! Next time, don't try to haggle my donation.
I once got an explanation of an NCNS:

I'm so sorry! I had to go to the ER! Severe vertigo, I didn't know which way was up, but with the meds, I think I will be ok...

onei's Avatar
  • onei
  • 11-28-2011, 10:54 PM
"I got a ticket." was an excuse I got once. I replied with something like, "I understand how frustrating that is, I sat for 30 min. waiting for a response and got nothing. It's now four hours later and you're just now getting back with me." this was a series of texts as i was driving home. Then I asked her to not respond again as I had just got home. Ten min. later she text me again. I was PISSED! It was over six mos. before I called her again.

Funny thing is (or not so funny), this same provider has NCNS'd on me four times in the past two years. I really try to be patient and understanding but it really gets old after a while. I won't out her as the white nights will come to her rescue. Truth be known, I absolutely enjoy being with her, but I just don't get it how it becomes my fault when she will NCNS, but somehow that seems to happen. The only way I will consider seeing her again is if she provides a freebie as I waste too much time, effort and energy arranging my schedule for this to happen again. When I consider MY time (rearranging my schedule, drive time and time there; aka, away from work) gas, I figure it costs me about $100 to $150 min. just in time and mileage. There are too many other quality ladies out there for me to put up with that.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
My wife just went into labor...

A tv fell on my mom
knotty man's Avatar
My wife just went into labor...

A tv fell on my mom Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
wtf is your mom doing with a transvestite!
I personally have never had a NCNS on my part~
> SOunds like some ladies live in LALA Land with all the excuses!

Quote from REB
2. car issues: I swear one day I am going make a million repairing Provider and hobbyist cars. this one i tend to believe. I have seen some Providers cars before.. haha!!

"I wasn't sure which number in my phone was yours." "What was your handle again?"

Or my favorite.........

"Oh, you had an appointment that day? I am sorry that something came up." Really? Sorry "something" came up..... that was 6 months later when she wanted to know if I wanted an appointment..... uhh... noo..... we had an appointment, I took the day off of work.... drove to the designated point and you did not answer the phone when I got there.... nor bothered to return the call.....

Just sayin