Showcase Updates

Alright, St. Christopher started this by his thread about Reese's updated showcase. After seeing it I spent the better part of the last 3 hrs looking through a majority of our showcases and decided to post here a few suggestions now that we have over 250 showcases (thank you ladies!)

1. Have an option to sort showcases by last date updated.
2. Allow the hobbyist to flag a showcase as a favorite and allow that flag to be used when searching showcases.
3. Allow a notes section, specific to the hobbyist and only viewable by the hobbyist on his favorite showcases.

I know that some, perhaps all of these have been requested in other threads, but just tryin' to consolidate and bring it back to the attention of our super management team.

Chime in folks if you feel I missed any showcase enhancements

(StC - sorry to throw you under the bus brotha... )
It's quite alright.

I understand there's quite a few enhancements being made to the showcase feature that will be taking place over the next several months. Hope I don't steal anyone's thunder by mentioning a few...

1. Sorting by Metro Location. - You will be able to see showcases for your city only....without having to do an advanced search. Yay!

2. Date-logging on showcases. - Should have "Last Updated XX/XX/XXXX somehwere in the showcase display.

3. Newest Showcases - The 10 most recent showcases will appear in a block in the left-hand column. Each Showcase name will be a hyperlink directly to her showcase. You will be able to know at a glance who has posted the latest showcase, and go straight to it from the block.

I've learned a ton about the showcases in the last week and I have my own ideas im suggesting to T and Becky as well as passing along every suggestion I see.

Thanks! You guys and gals are making this one helluva fun place to hang out!!!

St. C