Go To Girls: as in what is your Back up Plan

OK. I had a rough week last week trying to see 2 different Providers on 2 different days. Unfortunately seems like we have all been though the last minute cancellations, NCNS, etc. At the risk of being a little controversial, I just wanna ask the other guys who is their best "Go to Girl"?

Who is the last minute Provider you can call and she will make things happen to see you? Your "back up plan", your "Go to Girl" ?

Case in point, last Thursday night I was supposed to see Provider A at 8 pm. Got a text at 6:15 she could not make it. My regular go to girl has been Madison May in the past, but she was in Houston. So I tried another Provider that I had seen once before and had been really wanting to see again but it took until 10 pm to hear back from her that she was unavailable. Kinda frustrating, but this the way the Hobby goes sometimes.

So, Friday night I am supposed to see Provider B at 8 pm, get home from work at 6:30 and turn on my computer and have a cancellation email. Aunt Flo arrived, or something of the sort. OK. 2 days in a row, 2 different Providers. 2 Cancellations. WTF? I thought the economy was bad or something. Apparently not. Oh well. I then texted one of my other favorites, but she said she was busy. OK, what now? So I called sxyjade101 and she came through last minute and she came over to see me. I realize I shoulda called her Thursday, just waited too long on the other girl.

So my question to the guys is this, who is your "Go to Girl"? Who are you calling when your date gets cancelled last minute?

And a question for the Ladies: Are you a "Go to Girl"? Should I have your number on my speed dial?
Randall Creed's Avatar
I just keep a list of providers and their numbers handy when I go 'hunting'. Sometimes I've gotten lucky on the first call. Other times I've gotten down to Plan M. Once or twice I've actually come up empty handed, getting no action at all...which probably led to the first line of this post.

hmmm, O2D this is a dicey call as I am sure the ladies don't like to be thought of as your Plan B, but I will say that I have DecemberLove and TexasStarr on my speed dial. Then it depends on what I am in the mood for on who I call if I get a cancellation.

I have even been DL's plan B on one occasion... lol
Personally if I am making a trip to Dallas and something happens having Southen Comforts # on hand is a great backup plan.
You know you will get in and someone will be available if it isn't too late in the evening.
And a question for the Ladies: Are you a "Go to Girl"? Should I have your number on my speed dial?
Not sure if Iam but I wouldn't mind.

Why don't you have it already?
restaurantguy67's Avatar
Since I learned my way around the AMP scene, thanks to assistance from some on this board, AMPs make a good backup plan.
hmmm, O2D this is a dicey call as I am sure the ladies don't like to be thought of as your Plan B Originally Posted by KohanaKoa
I agree. I thought about not naming MY Go to Girls, but that would defeat the purpose of the post. And sometimes the Go to Girl is Plan A, just not always....

gee I hope I didn't make my girls mad
The infamous BJ posts that she is happy to be Plan B.
JeninDallas is open if she knows you well.
Paige Marrow, Sexy Cougar has taken the place of option A for me twice.

I think that it is important to have a Plan B in close proximity to Plan A, so that drive time is not an issue.
Randall Creed's Avatar
For me, any provider that I decide to call first is Plan A. The only real reason why a provider is 'plan B' is because the first one didn't pick up or respond in a timely manner. The plan B could've easily been Plan A who couldn't get a signal for those 10 seconds that I called her. Stare at the bars on your phone all day and count how many times you lose a signal. It's more times than you might think. Every now and then a call just may not get through in that brief span that you called her.

Someone's plan A is someone else's C.
Heck, I don't care if I'm Plan A, B, C, or D. For crying out loud, why would you be offended? There are HUNDREDS of ladies in Dallas. To be 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th should be considered a positive, not a negative.

Omaha-- you know I'm always around, especially in the evenings
I don't mind being plan B, just call me whenever.
Bob Soldios's Avatar
I know of one provider who has specifically mentioned in her ads that she's your "go to plan B girl"...
michaeljohnson1970's Avatar
I know things suddenly come up sometimes, for both clients and providers. There are some girls who consistently always have "something" come up that I avoid. If my Plan A can't make it, I have a Plan B that is UTR. She use to be active a couple of years ago and I can usually call her a moments notice and see her.
I've had gentlemen call me and they were 20mins down the road, i knew what time it was, i was plan B, i have no problems with it at all. The benefits of being low volume, you can squeeze in last minute callers.
  • npita
  • 01-12-2010, 12:31 PM
I always scheduled appointments well in advance, so I figured that if I needed a Plan B, I had the wrong Plan A.