no AA in ads

VitaMan's Avatar
Many, many ads and posts by providers here, and elsewhere, mention "no AA", "no AA under 40", "no young AA", or similar wording.

What exactly is that all about ? Size, behavior in the bedroom, safety, health ?

There are plenty of AA in the porn films.
You've been here for 7+ years and haven't seen this?
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 11-08-2017, 04:35 PM
It means no Asian Americans. Just ask Yuli Gurriel, he'll tell ya.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 11-08-2017, 05:33 PM
Been that way. Getting much worse. But a lady must feel safe. Unfortunately you got these guys that rob the hoes try and pimp the hoes or truly ain't got money for hoes fucking it up. It has become pretty bad. I can't find much worth fucking new out there. We have some work to do as a people with these young men.
DarthMaul's Avatar
You've been here for 7+ years and haven't seen this? Originally Posted by SEHunter
Yes what he said and basically, get over it bruh, from one black man to another. I think?
  • pxmcc
  • 11-09-2017, 02:11 AM
Many, many ads and posts by providers here, and elsewhere, mention "no AA", "no AA under 40", "no young AA", or similar wording.

What exactly is that all about ? Size, behavior in the bedroom, safety, health ?

There are plenty of AA in the porn films. Originally Posted by VitaMan
I always thought you were white. the stuff you can learn on a hooker board...
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I don't see AA -- Arrogant Assholes. Seems to cross all ethnic boundaries, alas, and often terribly hard to filter out via PM, text, or email.

But I do believe in the absolute right of ladies to offer their bodies to whomever they wish as they see fit. It's a DICKtatorship, not a democracy, but the person WITH the dick isn't in charge. Only one vote actually counts, and she who has the ballot box needs only open it for the hanging chad of her choosing. Campaigning for other candidates is usually a losing proposition once the Carnal Congress (Shenate and House of Hussy) kills a bill, but the floor debate continues to filibuster in the unlikely hope that a few minds will be changed.
VitaMan's Avatar
Interesting, hmmm......

- when you have a business selling a product or service, you can deny that based on race ? Hmmm....not many businesses will get away with that. Metro....ATT.....etc. Or don't women think they are selling a product or a service....

- if 99 out of 100 terrorists are muslim, and muslim # 101 shows up, why shouldn't you suspect him or her ? Isn't that just common sense, not based on religion or other factors
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Interesting, hmmm......

- when you have a business selling a product or service, you can deny that based on race ? Hmmm....not many businesses will get away with that. Metro....ATT.....etc. Or don't women think they are selling a product or a service....

- if 99 out of 100 terrorists are muslim, and muslim # 101 shows up, why shouldn't you suspect him or her ? Isn't that just common sense, not based on religion or other factors Originally Posted by VitaMan
You have a valid argument, and I don't think any other commercial enterprise could get away with such bias. However, a provider is not just selling a service, but actual "egress" to her own body, so shouldn't she have a say in who enters?

I choose to deny fellows under 40 from Fancy companionship, so in a real world business venture, I could be accused of age discrimination, but again, it's MY body. Perhaps I feel that I'm a wee bit old to be doing marathon bedroom contortionist gymnastics with lusty lads half my age without risk of damage, but what if others don't share my opinion? Should I be forced to see gents I don't want to? AA-exclusionary providers have their own reasons, and despite the need to hash EVERYTHING out these days on social media, we still have the ability to make private decisions, with the right or wrong of it immaterial. Such boundaries should be respected as much as those of the ladies who have age, weight, and yes, religious limitations, even if we don't agree and are frustrated with the stance. "Just say NO" is a fundamental freedom, isn't it, in regard to what we put in our bodies?

When/if the good ol' Puritan USA legalizes prostitution throughout the states, going to be mighty interesting to see how personal provider preference will be regulated and aligned with federal non-discrimination policies. (Wonder how they handle it in countries where the profession is allowed? Hmm, what about Nevada's brothels?) We still have politicians arguing Roe vs. Wade, especially here in Texas, so I don't imagine THIS debate will proceed smoothly.
(Wonder how they handle it in countries where the profession is allowed?
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Most other countries are less litigious....and also don't force personal choice down peoples throats.
VitaMan's Avatar
Yes the way the US is going, even with good intentions, is becoming "less human".

Or from Star Trek, after being a Borg and then detached, Captain Picard is asked how he feels. His reply, "Almost human"

You will be assimilated......resistance is futile
bigdaddybane's Avatar
It’s a status thing I think. They thinking seeing a AA will bring there value down. That’s fine.
What bigdaddybane said
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 11-10-2017, 06:05 AM
Some of these chicks do feel that way. Plus they can upcharge white guys for the exclusively they think they get.
TryWeakly's Avatar