Encounter: Don’t waste time with Blake

Date: 1/05/20
Name: Blake
Phone: 5016533611
Email Address: N/A
URL / Website: https://escortalligator.com.listcraw...rock/57477537/
City: Little Rock
State: Arkansas
Address: Markham
Activities: CFS
Hair Length and Color: Blonde
Shoulder length
Age: Mid 20s
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Looks similar to pics but you can tell she uses a filter for her face. About 5’6 nothing that stands out about her but she isn’t ugly
Recommendation: No
chillingsince1976's Avatar
Thanks for sharing those would be big red flags for me too. Maybe try some other providers with a few more reviews. Hopefully your next experience will be better. Trust me I have had some great ones.

Been there and for those of us that like to look for the next diamond in the rough you will ask yourself that very question and question what the hell are you doing...I've looked at her frequently, but your review saved me a bad experience...thx

Hey man! Great review and we've all been there done that before thinking shit,I'm done. It's a learning process counting the red flags and how much I want to risk before saying nope and moving on to the next girl. I tried to see her about 6 months ago and she raised a red flag and I passed.
Parttimehobbyist's Avatar
Thanks for saving us the trouble. Sorry you had a shitty experience. I wouldn’t quit the hobby if I were you. There are a ton of great options in LR that’ll restore your faith in the hobby. Feel free to drop a PM for recommendations!
Thanks for your review! I've been debating giving her a call but you saved me from disappointment it sound like.
CH Luke's Avatar
sorry you had a rotten encounter with her - goes to confirm my text interactions, in which she was uncooperative (and undesirable).

Thanks for sharing and saving us the experience!