Review from desktop?

I'm not new to the hobby, but very new to this site.
That being said, I have a dumb question.
Is it safe to post a review from a desktop in your home?
I'm guessing no, but would like comments from people
who have posted reviews before. Thank you.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Are you currently an NSA target? Then its already to late.

Seriously, who do you think will actually trace your IP?
Telcos & Cable outfits simply do not answer IP trace requests unless served with appropriate paperwork. And there must be probable cause or exigent circumstances.
LEO does not have the funds for manpower to chase penthouse letters.

If you have an SO, wipe your browser and caches.
But why would she be using your machine anyway?
She has her own, doesn't she?
normalguy21's Avatar
I Get about half way through a review i start

it then starts to get to vivid and becomes un safe -Turns into a ERECTION ZONE and it gives me away instantly .

What you do is build a TOOL shed and put a pc in it .

Always polish and take care of your tool.

yep tool shed ...
FrontRunner's Avatar
OP, if you are concerned about other people in your home seeing that you were on ECCIE, you should browse the site using a private window (Firefox), an incognito window (Chrome), InPrivate Browsing (Internet Explorer), or your browser's equivalent if not using one of those. That will keep it from appearing in your browser history.

Other than that, it is possible for your ISP, or anyone in a position to monitor your internet traffic (e.g., your employer when you are at work), to potentially see what sites you visit.

Whether or not it's safe depends on what risks you're trying to avoid.
Front Runner,thank you for your comments., They were helpful.
depending on your level of paranoia, you could also use a VPN product so your ISP doesnt know what you are looking at either
TheADream's Avatar
depending on your level of paranoia, you could also use a VPN product so your ISP doesnt know what you are looking at either Originally Posted by Casualrubber
Yep that coupled with a hotspot at an airport or highly populated area like a outdoor concert, plus frontrunners advise, and cheap disposal burnable devices.
TheADream's Avatar
Tool shed is funny though!
Thanks everyone for your comments.
You've answered all of my concerns.
OP, if you are concerned about other people in your home seeing that you were on ECCIE, you should browse the site using a private window (Firefox), an incognito window (Chrome), InPrivate Browsing (Internet Explorer), or your browser's equivalent if not using one of those. That will keep it from appearing in your browser history.

Other than that, it is possible for your ISP, or anyone in a position to monitor your internet traffic (e.g., your employer when you are at work), to potentially see what sites you visit.

Whether or not it's safe depends on what risks you're trying to avoid. Originally Posted by FrontRunner

While I use my personal desktop computer for this hobby, I also occasionally work from home and connect my work laptop on to my home network. The work laptop connects using VPN but our company IT policy states they have the right to monitor, access and review (the laptop stuff) but also includes the right to "sniffing network traffic". Does that mean they are potentially seeing everything either me or anyone in the household accesses? This hobby would be revealing enough but God knows what the teenage boy in the next room is looking at.

FrontRunner's Avatar
While I use my personal desktop computer for this hobby, I also occasionally work from home and connect my work laptop on to my home network. The work laptop connects using VPN but our company IT policy states they have the right to monitor, access and review (the laptop stuff) but also includes the right to "sniffing network traffic". Does that mean they are potentially seeing everything either me or anyone in the household accesses? Originally Posted by o2flyhi
No, you should be safe here. If you're using your work laptop at home, and there is VPN software on that computer (and only that computer) establishing a VPN connection to your work network, then the only thing they can monitor is the traffic from that laptop. The rest of your home Internet traffic is being routed as normal.

Just avoid doing anything on a PC connected to the work VPN. If you were to use your personal desktop computer to also connect to the VPN, you might open it up to their monitoring while connected, but it sounds like you're not doing that.
Thanks FrontRunner
Use it
I'm not new to the hobby, but very new to this site.
That being said, I have a dumb question.
Is it safe to post a review from a desktop in your home?
I'm guessing no, but would like comments from people
who have posted reviews before. Thank you. Originally Posted by urascalyou
At least you took the time to write review on professional. I have clients won't even write reviews on websites.It's too risky in illegal business clients tell me.
Totempole's Avatar
Use the icognito function on any of the browsers, or delete browser history after each visit to a site you wish not to be found