
JD Barleycorn's Avatar


deserving strong condemnation:
"the deplorable conditions in which most prisoners are held"
synonyms: disgraceful · shameful · dishonorable · unworthy · [more]
inexcusable · unpardonable · unforgivable · reprehensible · despicable · abominable · contemptible · execrable · heinous · beyond the pale

antonyms: admirable
This is what Hillary Clinton called half of the Trump supporters or 31,500,000 Americans. Remember, no illegal would vote for Trump but they would (and likely did) vote for Hillary. That's a lot of people who DESERVE strong condemnation or are shockingly BAD in quality. Now that includes a lot of veterans (61% voted for Trump), and lot of police officers (reported that 68% for Trump), fire fighters (no percentage available), and a surprisely large number of Hispanics and Afro-Americans (higher numbers than Romney).
Hillary, Obama, and the modern democrat thinks that voting to support the Constitution, a strong military, the rule of law (in which we are all equal), decency, and treating everyone equally under the law are deplorable. It sounds like good Americans are deplorable. We entered the bizarro world of the liberal left.
I have to wonder how someone who supports a political philosophy that in the past backed slavery and it's expansion, separate but equal, segregation, eugenics, forced sterilization of the unfit, the KKK, and in modern times the mass murder of innocents (also called abortion), the embrace of communism, plantation racial politics and now the betrayal of Israel, the arming of ISIS, and attacks on our constitutional rights can call someone else deplorable. The left is the home deplorable behavior.
Now we see the boy king Obama actively working to undermine the incoming president. In 2008, the left called people like Rush Limbaugh a traitor for wanting Obama to fail in changing the country. Rush didn't do anything except express an opinion and the left (and the media) branded him a traitor to his country. What does tha make Obama (and his supporters) now? You must be traitors to the country and the Constitution. Don't take it from me; democrats like Chuck Schumer have expressed serious dismay at how Isreal was betrayed. Other democrats have admitted that Obama is trying to box in Trump when he takes office (treason). Other pundits have expressed concern at the landmines being planted by the outgoing administration. You thought that the Clintons acted childish in 2000 by putting super glue in door locks and removing "W"s from keyboards. What Obama is doing is treason and criminal.
The country ends 2016 divided between good American and the deplorables on the left. Watch your backs. Pogo was right.
LexusLover's Avatar
The Liberals, including, but not limited to, HillaryNoMore, ObaminableOnWayOut, and their supporters and whiners in the media, who are still bitching about the results of an ass-whipping by Trump, can call me "deplorable" all the want .....

... they are despicable ....

Definition of despicable
" ... deserving to be despised
" ... so worthless or obnoxious as to rouse moral indignation

When the Clintons left the People's House they stole shit .... which had to be returned ....

As ObaminableNoMore departs he leaves in the midst of a TANTRUM knowing all well that President Trump will not give him his "piece of candy" and will undo all of his inappropriate and illegal shit he did, when Congress wouldn't give him what he wanted .....

... ObaminableNoMore is NOTHING MORE than a spoiled, narcissistic, ignorant "affirmative-action" BRAT ...

Two examples of DESPICABLE obsessive, narcissistic government parasites!

Anyone every see someone crying, screaming, blubbering in the aisle between the candy racks at the grocery checkout ....?

.. that is ObaminableNoMore, the Clintons, and their ILK ...

Putin just summarily dismissed them ALL WITH ONE TWEET!!!!

ObaminableNoMore just handed the Russians and TRUMP ANOTHER VICTORY!!!!
HA! HA! HA! Georgieboy... HA! HA! HA! Sorosissies... HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! laughing stock of the World

The Left ultimately destroys itself.

December 28, 2016 Daniel Greenfield 243

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam.

It was the end of the big year with three zeroes. The first X-Men movie had broken box office records. You couldn’t set foot in a supermarket without listening to Brittney Spears caterwauling, “Oops, I Did It Again.” And Republicans and Democrats had total control of both chambers of legislatures in the same amount of states. That was the way it was back in the distant days of the year 2000.

In 2016, Republicans control both legislative chambers in 32 states. That’s up from 16 in 2000.

What happened to the big donkey? Among other things, the Democrats decided to sell their base and their soul to a very bad billionaire and they got a very bad deal for both.

It was 2004. The poncho was the hottest fashion trend, there were 5 million new cases of AIDS and a former Nazi collaborator had bought the Democrat Party using the spare change in his sofa cushions.

And gone to war against the will of the people. This was what he modestly called his own “Soros Doctrine”.

“It is the central focus of my life,” George Soros declared. It was “a matter of life and death.” He vowed that he would become poor if it meant defeating the President of the United States.

Instead of going to the poorhouse, he threw in at least $15 million, all the spare change in the billionaire’s sofa cushions, dedicated to beating President Bush.

In his best lisping James Bond villain accent, Soros strode into the National Press Club and declared that he had “an important message to deliver to the American Public before the election” that was contained in a pamphlet and a book that he waved in front of the camera. Despite his “I expect you to die, Mr. Bond” voice, the international villain’s delivery was underwhelming. He couldn’t have sold brownies to potheads at four in the morning. He couldn’t even sell Bush-bashing to a roomful of left-wing reporters.

But he could certainly fund those who would. And that’s exactly what he did.

Money poured into the fringe organizations of the left like MoveOn, which had moved on from a petition site to a PAC. In 2004, Soros was its biggest donor. He didn’t manage to bring down Bush, but he helped buy the Democratic Party as a toy for his yowling dorm room of left-wing activists to play with.

Soros hasn’t had a great track record at buying presidential elections. The official $25 million he poured into this one bought him his worst defeat since 2004. But his money did transform the Democrat Party.

And killed it.

Next year the Democracy Alliance was born. A muddy river of cash from Soros and his pals flowed into the organizations of the left. Soros had helped turn Howard Dean, a Vermont politician once as obscure as this cycle’s radical Vermont Socialist, into a contender and a national figure. Dean didn’t get the nomination, but he did get to remake the DNC. Podesta’s Center for American Progress swung the Democrats even further to the left. And it would be Podesta who helped bring Hillary down.

The Democrats became a radical left-wing organization and unviable as a national political party. The Party of Jefferson had become the Party of Soros. And only one of those was up on Mount Rushmore.

Obama’s wins concealed the scale and scope of the disaster. Then the party woke up after Obama to realize that it had lost its old bases in the South and the Rust Belt. The left had hollowed it out and transformed it into a party of coastal urban elites, angry college crybullies and minority coalitions.

Republicans control twice as many state legislative chambers as the Democrats. They boast 25 trifectas , controlling both legislative chambers and the governor’s mansion. Trifectas had gone from being something that wasn’t seen much outside of a few hard red states like Texas to covering much of the South, the Midwest and the West.

The Democrats have a solid lock on the West Coast and a narrow corridor of the Northeast, and little else. The vast majority of the country’s legislatures are in Republican hands. The Democrat Governor’s Association has a membership in the teens. In former strongholds like Arkansas, Dems are going extinct. The party has gone from holding national legislative majorities to becoming a marginal movement.

And the Democrats don’t intend to change course. The way is being cleared for Keith Ellison, the co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus with an ugly racist past, to head the DNC. Pelosi will oversee the disaster in the House. And Obama will remain the party’s highest profile national figure.

There could hardly be a clearer signal that the left intends to retain its donkey herding rights. Soros and his ilk have paid for the reins. That is why Pelosi, with her access to donors, will retain her position.

The left had recreated the Democrat Party and marginalized it. Much of this disaster had been funded with Soros money. Like many a theatrical villain, the old monster had been undone by his own hubris. Had Soros aided the Democrats without trying to control them, he would have gained a seat at the table in a national party. Instead he spent a fortune destroying the very thing he was trying to control.

George Soros saw America in terms of its centers of economic and political power. He didn’t care about the vast stretches of small towns and villages, of the more modest cities that he might fly over in his jet but never visit, and the people who lived in them. Like so many globalists who believe that borders shouldn’t exist because the luxury hotels and airports they pass through are interchangeable, the parts of America that mattered to him were in the glittering left-wing bubble inhabited by his fellow elitists.

Trump’s victory, like Brexit, came because the left had left the white working class behind. Its vision of the future as glamorous multicultural city states was overturned in a single night. The idea that Soros had committed so much power and wealth to was of a struggle between populist nationalists and responsible internationalists. But, in a great irony, Bush was hardly the nationalist that Soros believed. Instead Soros spent a great deal of time and wealth to unintentionally elect a populist nationalist.

Leftists used Soros money to focus on their own identity politics obsessions leaving the Dems with little ability to interact with white working class voters. The Ivy and urban leftists who made up the core of the left had come to exist in a narrow world with little room for anything and anyone else.

Soros turned over the Democrats to political fanatics least likely to be able to recognize their own errors. His protégés repeated the great self-destruction of the Soviet Union on a more limited scale

Soros fed a political polarization while assuming, wrongly, that the centers of power mattered, and their outskirts did not. He was proven wrong in both the United States of America and in the United Kingdom. He had made many gambles that paid off. But his biggest gamble took everything with it.

"I don’t believe in standing in the way of an avalanche," Soros complained of the Republican wave in 2010.

But he has been trying to do just that. And failing.

"There should be consequences for the outrageous statements and proposals that we've regularly heard from candidates Trump and Cruz," Soros threatened this time around. He predicted a Hillary landslide.

He was wrong.

As Soros plowed more money into the left, its escalating radicalism alienated more of the country. Each “avalanche” was a reaction to the abuses of his radicals. It wasn't Trump or Cruz who suffered the consequences. It wasn't even his own leftists. Rather it was the conservative and eventually the moderate wings of the Democrat party who were swept away by his left-wing avalanches.

The left did not mourn the mass destruction of the moderates. Instead it celebrated the growing purity of the Democrats as a movement of the hard left. It did not notice or care that it was no longer a political force outside a limited number of cities. It anticipated that voters would have no choice but to choose it over the "extremist" Republicans.

It proved to be very, very wrong.

George Soros spent a fortune to turn a national party favorable to the left into an organization that has difficulty appealing to anyone not on the left. He wanted to control a country he did not understand. And, as the left so often does, he achieved his goals and in doing so destroyed them.
HA! HA! HA! Georgieboy... HA! HA! HA! Sorosissies... HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! laughing stock of the World Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Here's hoping that Trump honors Russia's arrest warrant for SOROS and gut's the far-left " progressive" source of money to destroy America. Oh ! What joy it would be to see the libs crying and gnashing of teeth over Georgy being deported on a warrant. And further joy to see Georgy's face when he arrives at the Lubyanka to answer the Russians questions. Wonder what Siberian gulag they've picked out for his next accommodations ?
  • DSK
  • 12-31-2016, 09:42 AM
Here's hoping that Trump honors Russia's arrest warrant for SOROS and gut's the far-left " progressive" source of money to destroy America. Oh ! What joy it would be to see the libs crying and gnashing of teeth over Georgy being deported on a warrant. And further joy to see Georgy's face when he arrives at the Lubyanka to answer the Russians questions. Wonder what Siberian gulag they've picked out for his next accommodations ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Do we have an extradition treaty with Russia?
LexusLover's Avatar
Do we have an extradition treaty with Russia? Originally Posted by DSK
With our "porous borders" SOROS "enjoys" who needs one?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I understand all those Russian diplomats have started calling each Javier and Jaunita. I think they intent to stay and work construction.
LexusLover's Avatar
I understand all those Russian diplomats have started calling each Javier and Jaunita. I think they intent to stay and work construction. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Mexico will welcome them .... they will be "rock stars" there!
  • DSK
  • 12-31-2016, 03:35 PM
With our "porous borders" SOROS "enjoys" who needs one? Originally Posted by LexusLover
We could sucker him into entering the USA, then ship his ass to Siberia under a Russian arrest warrant. Putin could then handle him.
LexusLover's Avatar
We could sucker him into entering the USA, then ship his ass to Siberia under a Russian arrest warrant. Putin could then handle him. Originally Posted by DSK
We need to encourage an "exchange" program .... 10 worn-out Liberal hags for one hot Russian babe ... Soros + his bucks = 100.
I understand all those Russian diplomats have started calling each Javier and Jaunita. I think they intent to stay and work construction. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
They should use muzzie names and claim to be refugees from Syria. odummer will " fast track " them staying here then !
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
We could sucker him into entering the USA, then ship his ass to Siberia under a Russian arrest warrant. Putin could then handle him. Originally Posted by DSK
how do u sucker someone who is an american citizen?

its better to misdirect an airline flight to Russia accidentally.
  • DSK
  • 12-31-2016, 09:31 PM
We need to encourage an "exchange" program .... 10 worn-out Liberal hags for one hot Russian babe ... Soros + his bucks = 100. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Good plan!
  • DSK
  • 12-31-2016, 09:31 PM
how do u sucker someone who is an american citizen?

its better to misdirect an airline flight to Russia accidentally. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I thought he had a European passport - that motherfucker is an immigrant?
LexusLover's Avatar
I thought he had a European passport - that motherfucker is an immigrant? Originally Posted by DSK
If he's worth "his salt" he has several from different regions.