Ipad + chat

Hook's Avatar
  • Hook
  • 11-09-2011, 09:56 PM
I just downloaded dingo/ichromy for ipad and still cant use chat. Does anyone know how i can use chat with my ipad?
Goooood question...wish I knew, too.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 01-14-2012, 10:05 PM
I believe the Skyfire browser for the iPad will work.

Skyfire Browser
Skyfire didn't work, either...
Jailbreak your ipad....free it from the shackles of apple...haha. And then install flash.
Shackle's Avatar
Easier said than done. But I really want to use the iPad with chat would make site much more accessible.
Not at all. I have done it myself with my iPhone. The only thing is you can't update the iOS when apple releases a fix, until they figure out a way to bypass the new fix. Of course, this is not for the technologically challenged.

Here is the latest hack: http://www.iphonehacks.com/jailbreak-ipad
Doc_rob's Avatar
I agree..Skyfire does not work either...
Ahriana Love's Avatar
so you can't chat on your iPad on eccie. Eccie need to update so we can
jframe2's Avatar
To answer the question a little more specifically for the OP and others that read afterwards-
if the Eccie chat is running Flash, then iPads and other Apple products are not compatible at this point.