"Like" Button

What happens when you chek the "like" button at the bottom of a post?
Click it and see. Maybe your computer explodes?

(ok not really...it just is reflected that someone liked the post)
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 06-18-2012, 03:20 PM
It posts all your passwords and phone numbers in public. DO NOT CLICK IT.

Seriously, all it does is add a +1 showing someone was entertained by a post. Doesn't show who either.
tia travels's Avatar
The names really SHOULD be shown. Then the button wouldn't be abused. Then we can see if women are LIKING their own ads. We can see if the same person is liking everything on this board. Things are getting "LIKED" when they obviously shouldn't be and most times, every post in a thread is liked which leads me to believe that perhaps the OP is liking everyone who comments on his/her thread or everyone is liking their own stuff. If it's the OP, then that's fine, but if it's someone else who just gets his/her jollies from LIKING things on the board, well......lol

I think people wouldn't abuse it if names were shown. This is how it is on another board and I like and can appreciate that (though they refer to it as "thank post"). It also gives you the option to remove your THANK YOU which I feel is a good idea.
gman44's Avatar
it just simply means that you like the thread and as far as I know its anonymous
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 06-18-2012, 11:39 PM
Using the button simply adds 1 to the count of times that button for that particular post was used. Also, also subesquent uses of the button on the same post by the same member will not be counted. Once you have used it once, that's it.

Yes, it is anonymous.