Return Receipts

I used to have an area when I sent a PM where I could tell if the message had been read. That seems to have disappeared. Did I change a setting and how do I get that back?
gman44's Avatar
in you UserCP, click on Message Tracking which is in the column in the left
It says that I am not tracking any messages when I do that.
I think I figured it out at least partially. If I reply to a message I don't have the option to track. I thought that used to track also. Maybe it depends on if the other person had tracking turned on.

If I do a new message I do get the options to track the message.
gman44's Avatar
I'm trying to understand what you mean

after you send a pm you can click on message tracking to check if they have read the message

although if it appears under unread that doesn't necessarily mean they haven't read it. when anyone receives a pm a confirm receipt window pops up and you can click no but still read it even though it shows up as unread

does that make sense?
gman44's Avatar
I get that when I send a new message, but what I had been doing was just replying to existing messages that were in my inbox. When I did that I did not get the additional options dialog box and got no tracking information.

I guess I should have started a new message instead of doing a reply.
I think I got it all figured out now. I was just typing into the quick reply box and hitting submit. When I actually hit reply then I get the options.

Little bit of user error thanks for the help.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 06-18-2012, 11:36 PM
Replying to a PM with the Quick Reply box will not include tracking, or saving, the reply. If you wish to track and save the reply, use the button.