Time wasters 101

Hot Summer's Avatar
Gents when you're contacting a lady with no intentions in booking....
It's literally the definition of a time waster.
I've had quite alot of them off this board lately.
So Ladies if you'd like their info DM me.
I've personally had enough ,so now I'll be sharing your information with the community.
Lets not forget Respect is a 2way street.
HoustonRiley's Avatar
Anytime i post here in Jop/Springf.... I find it so stressful. NCNS, No Refrences, ect...
For example..... I have a spotless reputation.... All Yeses across the boards, for 15+ years....No, No's. NONE. Not 1 bad review in all that time. Even now that im getting older.
Here (Springfield/Joplin)....they act like those credentials are not visible. ON Google that's 5 Stars..lol... yet, They're ALWAYS bashing me, always expecting me to see them fast, with no refrences.... for cheap. And I refuse. its ONLY in Springfield/Joplin. .... NO WHERE else, multiple states that ive frequened.....Houston, Dallas, Tyler, San Anotnio, Fort Hood, Memphis, Nashville, OKC, Tulsa, Omaha, Des Moines, Detroit, Atlanta, Washington DC, Shrevport, New Orleans.... Nowhere do they treat me badly...... ONLY HERE..there is no respect for providers here... It's always men who have NEVER seen Me. Then, when I do get 'em screened, half of them of them don't show.... so frustrating.....
Happy Hobbying... I'm about to hit the road and tour. Got to get fresh air.
Hot Summer's Avatar
Sorry they are making you feel that way .
Its definitely not ok !!
Thats One thing I've never liked about this board, is the bullies.
I will absolutely not stand for it.
We are all grown here so
If you dont like what you see in a provider just move along.
Its a rather simple notion