There is a cancer on the presidency...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Let me talk to our lefty friends; Obama ran on a platform of transparency. Do you see transparency?
Do you think it is important to know what exactly happened in Benghazi before the election? After all, will you really still vote for someone if it is proven that he lied after allowing Americans to be killed?
Do you understand how angry some of us are?

Do you think that your stupid answers really help the situation?

Do any of you have anything serious to add to the discussion?

Would you be opposed to an independent investigation on what they knew and when they knew it?
No responses yet?
LexusLover's Avatar
No responses yet? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
They are busy working the phone banks to augment the "ground game"!
fuck you JD strong message to follow...
Fast Gunn's Avatar
It was a lapse in security.

It was unfortunate incident and its being investigated.

What more do you want?

The fact is that you guys are not even interested in Benghazi, all you want is something, anything to smear the President.

. . . Do you clowns really think Mitt is going to win the election anyway?

Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 10-27-2012, 07:22 AM
JD, there is no talking and reasoning. with some of these folks. They know they are about to lose their odumbo phones, and food stamps.... lol...

This coward and traitor threw those brave men under the bus.. Those that can't see what went on are just blind as bats.
joe bloe's Avatar
JD, there is no talking and reasoning. with some of these folks. They know they are about to lose their odumbo phones, and food stamps.... lol...

This coward and traitor threw those brave men under the bus.. Those that can't see what went on are just blind as bats. Originally Posted by seedman55
The left knows evil when they see it just like everyone else. This is not a matter of what they can't see; it's a matter of what they won't see. Ignoring evil is an act of free will.

The left makes a deliberate choice to ignore and tolerate evil when it suits their political purpose.

"There are none so blind as those who will not see."
John Heywood.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Propaganda you can believe in...........
the cancer is partisan politics,Party first people second or third..
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-27-2012, 12:26 PM
Let me talk to our lefty friends; Obama ran on a platform of transparency. Do you see transparency?
Do you think it is important to know what exactly happened in Benghazi before the election? After all, will you really still vote for someone if it is proven that he lied after allowing Americans to be killed?
Do you understand how angry some of us are?

Do you think that your stupid answers really help the situation?

Do any of you have anything serious to add to the discussion?

Would you be opposed to an independent investigation on what they knew and when they knew it? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
`````````````````````````````` ````````````````

we know what happened in Lybia .... Stevens was raped and an act of terror turned into a terrorist attack ... eos

FAST Teams were not deployed to Libya from Spain to stop an attack that lasted 4 hours ... or any other country where protestors were gathering in the streets

history proves blatant lies from ploiticians that result in americans being killed has no effect on being elected to a second term ..

seriously?? ok, JD and the rest of the simple minded rightwingers that pound this into the ground are full of shit and everyone but them knows it... like most fringe groups they believe they have a political pearl to present hoping the snowball effect might accidently take place and people other than idiots join their ranks ... when that doesnt play out like planned they blame MSM for not covering the incident in a full force blitz flooding the country with factual or suspect news .. unless its their facts, other facts are lies, yet they seek investigations and cross their fingers wishing something turns up they can agree with and build on .. if not the usual drill is "the investigation was flawed" routine comes into play ...

point being, Lybia isnt and shouldnt be political simply because it isnt a determining factor in this election like dipshits want it to be ...

ask every american in this country if they would rather have embassy protection all over the world or a stable economy, a good job, and money in the bank to support their family ..

JD et al cant do that because they know the answer... but they can KISS MY ASS!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yes, Fast Gunn, I do expect Romney to win and there is very little to indicate otherwise. You have the same problem as a caller on local talk radio yesterday. He said he couldn't stand the "exuberance" he was hearing from republicans on Libya. Number one, he has no idea that the other callars were republicans, he just assumed. The second thing is that he has been brainwashed away from real emotions. He hears righteous anger and indignation directed at a democrat and he has been trained to think irrational exuberance. That way he can easily dismiss what we say or think. The way of the left. Like him, you no longer recognize anger, real anger at a royal fuck up who does not deserve to sit in the Oval Office. What is worse is they we recognized this fact four years ago and you didn't. You feel foolish I suspect (except for the operatives like Off the Mark) but you can't admit that you got had. It is okay to change your mind. I don't think anyone here will hold it against you (except for Off the Mark).
Where the God damned FUCK are Romney's TAX RETURNS, asswipes? First things first!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
LMAO, Stevie just hit on returns, big bird, binders, and birth control. You've justed described the Obama campaign.
joe bloe's Avatar
Let me talk to our lefty friends; Obama ran on a platform of transparency. Do you see transparency?
Do you think it is important to know what exactly happened in Benghazi before the election? After all, will you really still vote for someone if it is proven that he lied after allowing Americans to be killed?
Do you understand how angry some of us are?

Do you think that your stupid answers really help the situation?

Do any of you have anything serious to add to the discussion?

Would you be opposed to an independent investigation on what they knew and when they knew it? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
No. It's invisible.
Where the God damned FUCK are Romney's TAX RETURNS, asswipes? First things first! Originally Posted by Little Stevie
Stephaninnie just for you...