Golden Pussy Syndrome

newyorkboy's Avatar
Lately, I have seen this acronym, GPS for Golden Pussy Syndrome, popping up more and more. I'm intrigued. What EXACTLY causes a hobbyist to describe a provider as having "GPS"?

I mean, lets face it guys...we don't call a provider for her checkers playing skills. I myself like a provider who is confident in her abilities, and is convincing me that "I am the best there is". Would you want a provider who tells you "I'm just ok"?

Or is it just that some Hobbyists have PDA - "Platiunum Dick Attitude"?

So enlighten me! Annnnnnnd GO!

cacophonist_international's Avatar
Some folks are content to shop their whole lives at a Thrift Shop, while others of us truly value designer labels.
I am a great believer in frugality, which means getting the most you can for your money. So, at some point I have to ask what am I getting for a $500/hr that I am not getting from a $300/hr? Really, I do not know what a provider could possibly give me for that money. Maybe I lack imagination, but I cannot imagine what a provider can do that beats an hour with Candy of Omaha, which for me is the gold standard. She is drop dead gorgeous and an excellent provider. So, what can justify paying $200 more? What could a provider possibly do to justify my expense? I just can't imagine what it could possibly be.
ILuvNips's Avatar
Hell I love shopping at thrift stores and garage sales. I do like to splurge on the $300 pussy once every few weeks but for my Daily Grind the thrift shop $50 nooners and hundred-dollar half hours are my cup of tea.
The worst experience I ever had with a provider was with one that had very few reviews and talked herself up. They all think they are fantastic. I'm not trying to save $20 or $50 bucks, I'm trying to make sure I enjoy the several hundred I do spend.
jmhawk1's Avatar
To me GPS is the snotty attitude that someone gets and thinks that they are far and above better than the girl in the next room. I have found that typically the girls that get attitudes seem to HAVE to charge more because word starts getting around or their previous followers stop visiting due to the attitude.

I have tried to start to visit with what I would term "quality" providers. For me it's not about the quick visit and fleeing the room. For me it's about building comfort. That typically leads to a better session, and also wants me to visit again. Not saying I can't find that spending 200 an hour, but it seems that I find it around the 300 range. I also try to have multi hour encounters when I can, that relaxes both of us more and gives more time to learn and love.

I have one provider I have seen who makes me think of GPS, but she is up north and doesn't visit the Nebraska area often. She had some drama and won't show her face in a few states because of the backlash (after I had met her).

Omaha and Lincoln have some great locals (although I have not heard of Candy-pm me details please!), and some wonderful quality travelers. I wish my hobby budget allowed for more time and meeting of others, but what I work with is great for me right now.

Just my 2¢...
Mike1961's Avatar
I agree with Jmhawk. The snotty attitude and lack of IOP is just as much GPS as the price. I've had gals that were under 200 an hour that were the worst. I've also met some amazing ones at all price points in my budget.
newyorkboy's Avatar
Soooo essentially it is just that a hobbyist is not happy with the proposed price. I kind if see it both ways..... a hobbyist wants to get the most bang for his buck; while a provider wants to get the most buck for her bang. It boils down to this; you get what you pay for in many cases. I've seen some providers that IMHO don't charge enough, while others I have to wonder what the hell they are thinking. Guess it all boils down to whether there is chemistry between the two people. If not, if all else fails the hobbyist has two choices: right or left hand.

Ladies, I am also interested in your opinions. Please feel free to fire away!

It's laughable that a provider who charges what people are willing to pay is labeled with GPS. That's just smart business.
I am all for capitalism. My question is - What would a provider have to be and do for me to think that I could spare $500 for 1 hour? I know how hard and long I have had to work for that money. I just cannot imagine what she could possibly do to be worth that for me.
newyorkboy's Avatar
I am all for capitalism. My question is - What would a provider have to be and do for me to think that I could spare $500 for 1 hour? I know how hard and long I have had to work for that money. I just cannot imagine what she could possibly do to be worth that for me. Originally Posted by oldguy57II
Kind of what I'm talking about here. Some people will spend thousands of dollars on a bottle of wine. To them, it's worth it. For others, they're happy sitting in the corner drinking a $10 bottle of wine. Perspective my man perspective!
It's good business if they return again and again. Bad business if they never come back and post a negative review. With that said, this sport is really about chemistry, so it seems to work out for all of us.
jmhawk1's Avatar
I am all for capitalism. My question is - What would a provider have to be and do for me to think that I could spare $500 for 1 hour? I know how hard and long I have had to work for that money. I just cannot imagine what she could possibly do to be worth that for me. Originally Posted by oldguy57II
My true ATF is 500$ an hour, however, I've booked 4 hours with her twice in the past, and six hours a different time. Once you figure out the p411 discount and the lowering of donation as time goes on, I have spent 1200 at the most for an encounter with her.

She no longer visits Sioux Falls, and hasn't ever visited Omaha. We have talked about meeting in Montana (where she lives) or meeting in Vegas for a couple days. If I could find the cash for a weekend or a cruise and her I would do it in a heartbeat, I just never have that kind of cash.

I guess I should tell you all who she is: Sarah Fox.

Personable, fun BCDs and out on the town. I do have a review of her on TER, that was the first meeting with her. She used to have reviews on her website, and the first two that showed up were both mine. The other review was on a now defunct website (AHB). I haven't seen her for over a year, but we do text a couple times a month. She is sexy and loves her time with her friends, has a professional rw job, and does this just for herself. I can never say enough about Sarah...