An oddity of Crime Statistics

  • DSK
  • 11-14-2016, 08:28 AM
It is well know that FBI statistics indicate that almost half of all people convicted of murder are black men, who represent 7 percent of so of the population. Most liberals attribute that to racism, of course.

However, over 90% of convicted murderers are men, who actually represent less than half the population!!

How is one a biased and racist report, and for the other it is widely accepted that men are more violent than women?
Interesting. Can't wait to here the Lib explanation.
rexdutchman's Avatar
simple - Liberals want it that way ( doesn't matter if its right or wrong)
Racism is institutionalized. Men are born with higher levels of testosterone or in other words, it's biology. Voila! Where's my prize???
  • DSK
  • 11-14-2016, 12:39 PM
Racism is institutionalized. Men are born with higher levels of testosterone or in other words, it's biology. Voila! Where's my prize??? Originally Posted by WolfWhistle
Would you like a participation trophy?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
He doesn't need anymore participation trophies. He has two.
  • DSK
  • 11-14-2016, 01:37 PM
Racism is institutionalized. Men are born with higher levels of testosterone or in other words, it's biology. Voila! Where's my prize??? Originally Posted by WolfWhistle
Why isn't it biology that black men commit the most murders?
because first liberals would say that racist juries, racist prosecutors and inept public defenders lead to convictions of many innocent black men

and secondly, for the others, racism has created the environment that leads to such disparate results so in a larger sense many more are innocent still as the arrested are merely victims of the forces of institutional racism. it is white supremacy that needs to be in the dock, we arrest the wrong culprit

its all racism you see
Why isn't it biology that black men commit the most murders? Originally Posted by DSK
Mmmmm, answer this one first: Why isn't it institutionalized racism that black men commit the most murders?
Why isn't it biology that black men commit the most murders? Originally Posted by DSK
Remember when Jimmy "The Greek" stated a known fact, that slave owners did indeed allow the strongest and most physically able slaves to have children in order to produce a more physically able offspring.

He was crucified for stating the truth.

Yes, that practice was reprehensable, people are not animals. But that doesn't change the facts.
Remember when Jimmy "The Greek" stated a known fact, that slave owners did indeed allow the strongest and most physically able slaves to have children in order to produce a more physically able offspring.

He was crucified for stating the truth.

Yes, that practice was reprehensable, people are not animals. But that doesn't change the facts. Originally Posted by Jackie S
So if white slave owners regularly practiced eugenics which is considered a fact from a historical perspective, then it makes perfect sense to attribute the high black murder rate to genetics? That must explain why the high rates of incestuous relationships exist amongst white people since the white royal families in Europe extensively practiced such activities, a historical fact. The apple apparently doesn't fall too far from the tree. Thank you for bringing more light to this great mystery.

BTW, to get a better grasp of the "breeding" aspects of eugencies you might want to study a bit more about euthentics. The environment does play a major part in the development of a person.

The topic of the thread should be retitled to "The Oddity of Race Profiling and the Young Offender."
  • DSK
  • 11-14-2016, 04:30 PM
Mmmmm, answer this one first: Why isn't it institutionalized racism that black men commit the most murders? Originally Posted by WolfWhistle
Why do they kill so many in their home countries?
Why do The European Imperialists kill so many in African countries? Originally Posted by DSK
I fixed this for you.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I am not sure why anybody cares why black men commit more crimes based on their percentage of the population. To me, it is just another human being committing a crime against another. I do not care what color they are. When the government stops keeping score, then, and only then, will we begin to cease seeing people as one race or another.
I am not sure why anybody cares why black men commit more crimes based on their percentage of the population. To me, it is just another human being committing a crime against another. I do not care what color they are. When the government stops keeping score, then, and only then, will we begin to cease seeing people as one race or another. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

In the mean time, take your beating and shut the fuck up. You almost sound like a ?...
