New review process post I saw

nh2525's Avatar
Guys (and gals who want to comment),

I just wanted to throw this out there. I saw one provider talking about a new LinkedIn review process and.. well.. most of us think with out dick and not our heads. Do you guys keep keep your real names/numbers private when seeing a provider? I mean with the Ashley Madison hacks, providers giving up all the details on past John’s, and other stuff... what do you guys protect? I mean, everything is saved on ECCIE. They don’t delete accounts.. shit can come back (for those that think it can’t)... so where is the line? I mean I use a Text Plus number associated with a fake Gmail account..

I also do not hobby much as I’m a 32 White guy that’s not fat. I mean I could throw down for 3 providers a week and it wouldn’t affect my monthly cash flow or make me dial back 401k contributions.

Maybe I’m just dippin my toes into the water but I wanted to ask... what’s the norm and how do you guys assume the risk of business

I know women assume a shit ton of risk and I respect that (plus I’ve read how a lot of shitty men do take complete advantage of a provider which is not ok). I’m not discounting that.
Bob McV's Avatar
I tend to keep my name and contact info private and I don't use linkedin for what that is worth.

But more importantly, did you just humble brag about having a grand a week in disposable income? LoL
I try to be as “newbie” friendly as possible. But it is important that I have some level of confidence that the clients I am seeing are professionals (and not in law enforcement) and do not have a track record of being disrespectful or wasting the time of other providers.

If they are not an established and reputable hobbyist, then I give them several options as to how they can validate themselves. LinkedIn profile is only one of those options.

It is up to the prospective client how they want to validate themselves. But those who do not want to validate themselves in any way are just simply not clients I care to see. It is my experience that my favorite, regular clients have no issue in being straight-forward with me. They understand I keep that information private and discreet. They don't send that info via the PM on this site.
I have received requests for appointments from hobbiest that actually volunteer their LinkedIn accounts, along with provider references.

It surprised me a bit, but it helped the clearing process along. Some even tell me to Google them. Nothing to hide I guess, but I can understand not wanting to have real world information out there.

The ladies that see newbies have it tough when going through the clearing process, I just rather not take the risk.
nh2525's Avatar
Pretty smart Bob and I only said that so you guys know I’m not some chump just making a comment but someone who could hobby more.

Thank you for the responses ladies. My eye balls fell out of my face when looking at your pictures.

I mean I can see it from your point of view. Just reading some of the alerts and then one provider opened my eyes more. She literally texted me and said hey do you have anything to help ease my body after the day I had.. apparently some guys still don’t respect a providers body and don’t stop when to much is to much. I mean I’m dominant but never to the point where some woman will need something because she needs to recover in a bad way.

I mean I respect y’all’s point of few I’m just leary of information being collected. I guess both parties just have high risk for the little reward they get (hey me included).
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... I only said that so you guys know I’m not some chump just making a comment ... Originally Posted by nh2525
It was said on the internet so it must be true.
nh2525's Avatar
Johnny, don’t you know I’m a zillionaire. Joking.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
This Is A Risk on both ends ..
So both parties need to feel safe and at ease ..
I want the clients who will screen to make me feel at ease and if they can't , then ok I'm not for you .
But there are the ones who will so that's who I want to spend time with and they know what inof I have on them is in safe hands ..
I'v been screening the same way for 10 years and it keeps me safe and out of handcuffs or other things that can go wrong

I don't screen any one with a PM I have you email me
to keep things private
Can PM with your reference and your hobby number if you have one
Other wise all my screening is by email for NewBe's and or any one ..

I use meany tools to screen with , and I give you a few options to chose from ..

Screening NewBe's can be easier then you think !