Who has the most detailed menu?

Scribe's Avatar
There's way too many providers to ever catch them all; but I ran across HoustonRiley's ad:


And I had to give her kudos

It reads like a Chinese Menu!
(And, if you pay $32.95, we add wanton soup, egg roll, and sweet-sour pork! lol)

Anybody else see any ingeniously detailed menu's that go beyond the "P4P" time basics?
HoustonRiley's Avatar
I clicked on this having no idea that it was me!!
Thank you.
Being a soccer mom gets boring at times and so routine.

I love a wide variety of pleasures.

Me love you long time
mtabsw's Avatar
Sugarlove055 - one of my favorites - I had to look up many of her items and I STILL didn't know what they all meant...

And...a big that a boy lol...To Houston for putting her general location in her ad. Near the top and easy to see. Im convinced a lot of ladies don't want us to know where they play :-( . Not sure if sugar had it in her ad???