MAX BAXUCUS DRUNK on the senate floor. Watch how retarded this guy is...

LovingKayla's Avatar
I can't really say anything to any other state as long we are still sporting shelia jackson lee, but this is funny.

The first 30 seconds seems to be the funniest. The rest he just looks like a retard, especially when he bold faced lies about Republicans not offering a hand back across the aisle. I personally can't stand Republicans, and I disagree with their ideas, but they have put at least 4 new proposals this last week trying to reach an agreement.

Why is buttholema negotiating with terrorists but not congress? WTF? You asshole dems better remember this crap when you start whining about how the Right isn't working with you after Ted Cruz is president That reminds me.. I get untold amounts of pleasure from how badly he pisses you off. GO TED!! Oh yes bitches, he will be president one day.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-01-2013, 02:14 PM
both House and Senate passed budgets 6 months ago .. the Senate called for a conference 18 times to negotiate the budget before last night, the House refused all 18 times because the Tea Party scared Boehner ... so last night with 30 minutes to go before the shutdown the House suddenly decided they wanted to talk .. The Dems grew a pair and told the House to fuck off, too late.

as usual the Republican House played politics and lost
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Earth to Teawipes: "Fuck Off!"
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're an idiot, Slunt. Cum drunk and sloppy!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
both House and Senate passed budgets 6 months ago .. the Senate called for a conference 18 times to negotiate the budget before last night, the House refused all 18 times because the Tea Party scared Boehner ... so last night with 30 minutes to go before the shutdown the House suddenly decided they wanted to talk .. The Dems grew a pair and told the House to fuck off, too late.

as usual the Republican House played politics and lost Originally Posted by CJ7
Ok. Let me get this straight. When the Republican House stonewalls it's partisan and bad for America. When the Democrat Senate does the same thing, it's justified and good for America. Spoken like a true independent, CBJ7.

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 10-01-2013, 06:45 PM
The rest he just looks like a retard, Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Most people on here act like an immature, sniveling 12 year old on purpose. I don't think this sort of comment comes from someone doing it on purpose.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Most people on here act like an immature, sniveling 12 year old on purpose. I don't think this sort of comment comes from someone doing it on purpose. Originally Posted by Doove
Right you are Doove! This is a twisted sister.

The blog post Glenna cites is flimsy and based on conjecture. Not unlike her reputation as a "provider."
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-01-2013, 11:32 PM
two reporters confirm it was tea time
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The issue seems to be that there is a law that has been passed and the President has chosen to selectively enforce it delaying certain aspects, granting exemptions, and such. If the law is so great and good for our nation, why would it not apply to all?

I do not believe that this is going to be a bad thing for the Republicans that have made a stand but could be bad for those that side with the left.

There was no negotiating on the original bill, it was forced through congress without a vote in the House. Why is it so difficult for you commies to understand that if the act is so great for this nation that it should apply to all with out exception.

To remind you lefties, we do not live in a democracy but in a representative republic.
I believe we should return to a Senate that is appointed by the states rather than by vote of the people in the manner in which is was first set forth. It is obvious that what we have now is not working. Maybe we should start over with the original Constitution and the Bill of Rights and see if we can fix all the fuckups that were instituted along the way.