You are still alive. Great time to #WALKAWAY

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
It seems we have a better handle on the bug, now that we have empirical data, no thanks to Chi-i-i-i-na so we can have some confidence to restart the economy and peoples lives. Thanks to the assistance of the rest of the civilized world and our own Doctors we now know who is at higher risk and why, also a fair bit of how it is transmitted.(contrary to what WHO stated in Jan 14, 2020). Plus we even have a decent bead on how to treat patients with normal symptoms (same as you would a cold or flu) and the more extreme cases (ventilators and drug therapies).

We also know many things that absolutely do not work to cure the bug:
  • $25M for the Kennedy Center
  • More gun control
  • The Green New Deal
  • Mail-in voting Nationally (ballot harvesting)
  • Ongoing Basic Income Programs & minimum wage increases
  • Changing rental laws for all States
  • Mandating Corporate Board diversity
  • Subsidized housing
  • Tons-o-money for abortions
  • George Soros and Bill Gates
Perfect time to WALKAWAY from the Demonicrat party of Socialist wet dreams
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
New York Yankees great Rich (Goose) Gossage got call from a reporter asking him to comment about the death of team co-owner Hank Steinbrenner.

But the conversation quickly moved to politics, with the Hall of Famer unleashing a torrent of criticism of Democrats, including Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Gossage, a lifelong Democrat until Donald Trump ran for office, told the reporter: "I'm hoping and I'm praying that these [bleepers] go off the cliff to never be heard from again. All of them!

"Nancy Pelosi and that lying Chuck Schumer. And then [bleeping] Robert Mueller and the [bleeping] Mueller Report, and the FBI. … I hope some of them go to jail."

NJ Advanced Media reported the former relief pitcher, 68, is a huge fan of President Trump."I love Trump," said Gossage from his home in Colorado Springs, Colorado. "I have Trump signs in my yard and I wear my Trump hat everywhere."

He said "liberal Democrats are wrongly and unfairly criticizing Trump."
"It's just lies, lies, BS, BS," Gossage said. "They don't even respect the election. The majority of liberals still think the Russians got him in office. They all want him out of power."

He suspects Democrats hope the pandemic continues "to keep the country’s economy in the tank if it can help presumed Democratic nominee Joe Biden beat Trump in the 2020 election."

"I cannot even fathom that they would go to this length, but this is the last straw. Where would you attack Trump? In the economy. That’s all they have. And let me tell you something, people are (bleeping) dying and the liberals could give a rat’s a**."

The report said he also had an opinion about likely Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden: "He can't put [bleeping] two sentences together!"
Gossage told NJ Advance Media he left the Democratic Party when Trump started talking about bringing manufacturing back to the U.S. and draining the Washington swamp.

BizPacReview commented Gossage "gives us hope for a better tomorrow when you consider he once was a life-long Democrat."

Gossage is known for his colorful quotes. While playing for the San Diego Padres, he had choice words for the team owner at the time, Joan Kroc, the widow of McDonald's tycoon Ray Kroc."She's poisoning the world with her hamburgers," Gossage said.